What’s Oil Pulling? This simple process of slowly swishing oil around in your mouth enables the body self-heal from an awesome variety of ailments and disorders by detoxifying the salivary and oral tissues.


It’s an Ayurvedic – i.e., from ancient Eastern medicine – practice that’s been proven to help the body overcome numerous ailments and disorders. Here’s how you do oil pulling. 1. First thing in the morning, before eating or drinking, place ONE TABLESPOON of processed SESAME or SUNFLOWER oil into your mouth.

For children or those with a small mouth, a little less is more comfy. And do not bother to purchase the expensive organic stuff. Some folks recommend coconut oil to aid with teeth whitening, or safflower oil to get a milder taste. But the first Ayurveda recommends sesame or sunflower.

  • Set a timer for 10 minutes, even 5 at first.
  • Slowly swish, suck and suck the oil through your teeth at front, at the back, top and bottom, from side to side. I like to check my email or do some chore around the house to keep me occupied during this time period.
  •  DO NOT GARGLE the oil.
  • DO NOT SWALLOW the oil at any moment.
  • When the timer goes off, spit in the toilet. Not the sink. See below for why.
  • Immediately rinse out your mouth SEVERAL TIMES and vigorously with warm water, gargling a couple of times to wash the back of your mouth out too, and spitting into the restroom too. Then flush the toilet. You certainly need to brush your teeth today.
  • Drink 1 to 2 glasses of filtered or spring water.
  • Oil Pull daily for three weeks, then have a week off.

If you only need to experiment and see how it helps and what it is like, it is possible to stop afterward. But in case you’ve got a specific health issue, plan on going for a couple of weeks for a complete recovery. For acute or chronic conditions, you might want to plan for many months, even longer. You’ll be able to tell by the results that you encounter as you go along. But only do the three-weeks-on-one-week-off pattern for however long your body requires it to get as much recovery as you desire. That’s basically it, so begin.

Take into account

The remainder of this article discusses why the many steps are important and how Oil Pulling really works and what to look out for.

  • You want an empty stomach in order for this to work, so that is why it’s recommended that you do it first thing in the morning. You can use a brush free of glue on it at this stage merely to clean the surface of the teeth to get greater whitening effect and to leech any stray mercury in tooth. If you have chronic or more serious conditions which you would like to heal faster, you’ll want to Oil Pull a couple of times per day. So, just ensure that you haven’t eaten for about 3-4 hours and not had anything to drink for 1 hour. This helps to ensure that the lining of your mouth has no food/beverage particles and that you won’t vomit. Oil Pulling over once a day can help you detox faster.
  • Oil Pull for at least 5-10 minutes. 15 to 20 is better and has a more thorough outcome. The point is that what you spit out should be white and foamy, not yellow like the oil. If yellow, you have not done it long enough (although there may be occasions when you feel you just have to spit it out — that is fine once in a while).
  • As you pull the oil through your teeth, ensure to make the gums and molars at the back of your mouth in addition to the back of your tongue. The tongue has reflex points to each organ of the body, so this is one of the methods that Oil Pulling helps clear out the entire system.
  • Don’t gargle the oil, as it might cause a swallow reflex.
  • You don’t need to consume this stuff. It’s full of viruses, parasites and”germs embryos” that can be observed in 600 magnification as writhing organisms. This substance is poisonous and can cause you to be sick. It’s why you ARE ill or have some health problem or other. One of our customers reported that he “saved” the spit and an hour later saw the stuff writhing from the cup with the naked eye. If you think you must consume, here is how to stop the urge: clear your throat. This action reverses the consume impulse.
  • If you spit in the sink rather than the toilet, you may wish to wash the sink with bleach to kill the germs that would otherwise descend there.
  • I wash my mouth at least 6 or 7 days to find any residual bacteria out and do it aggressively, in addition to gargle several times.
  • After 1 or 2 glasses of water, then you can have breakfast or complete whatever your morning routine is. Plus, water first thing in the morning hydrates your cells and sets up your mind for a brighter day ahead!