The human body is made up of 75 percent water and 25 percent solid matter. To provide nourishment, eliminate waste and regulate all the functions in the body, we need water. Most modern societies, however, no longer stress the importance of drinking water as the most important “nutrient” among all nutrients.

Did you know?

Entire population groups are substituting water with tea, coffee, alcohol and other manufactured beverages. Many people don’t understand that the natural thirst signal of the human body is a sign that it requires pure, plain drinking water. Instead, they opt for other beverages in the belief that this would satisfy the body’s water requirements. This is a false belief. It’s true that beverages like tea, coffee, wine, beer, soft drinks and juices contain water, but they also contain alcohol, caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners or other compounds that act as powerful dehydrators.

The more you drink these drinks, the more dehydrated you become since the effects they produce in the body are just opposite to those which are generated by water. Caffeine-containing beverages, by way of instance, trigger stress reactions that have powerful diuretic effects (causing increased urination, initially). Beverages with additional sugar drastically raise glucose levels, which consume large amounts of cellular water, also.


Regular consumption of such drinks leads to chronic dehydration, and it is a frequent element in every toxicity catastrophe. There’s absolutely not any practical or logical reason to treat a disease (toxicity catastrophe ) with synthetic drugs or even with natural medicines and methods unless the body’s need for hydration was met first. Drugs and other types of medical intervention may be harmful for the human anatomy largely due to their dehydrating effects. Most patients today are suffering from’thirst disorder’, a progressive state of dehydration in specific areas of the body. Unable to remove toxins from these parts as a result of inadequate water supply, the body is confronted with the consequences of their harmful consequences.

The absence of recognition of the simplest elements of water metabolism in our body may be held accountable for seeing a disorder when it is in fact the body’s urgent cry for water. Those who have lived for several years with no proper water consumption are the most likely to succumb to the build-up of toxins within the body.

Chronic disease

It is always accompanied by dehydration and, oftentimes, brought on by dehydration. The longer a person lives on a very low water ration and/or on a high ration of stimulating foods or beverages, the more acute and long-term is the toxicity catastrophe. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, stomach ulcers, hypertension, cancer, MS, Alzheimer’s, and many other chronic forms of disease are precipitated by years of “body drought.” Infectious agents such as viruses and bacteria can’t flourish in a well-hydrated body.

Drinking enough water is consequently among the most significant preventives for any illness. People who don’t drink enough water, or unduly deplete their body’s water reserves through overstimulation for a time period, gradually lower the proportion of the quantity of water that exists within the cells to the ratio of quantity of water that’s found outside the cells. Under dehydrated conditions, the cells may shed up to 28 per cent or more of the water volume. This certainly undermines all cellular activities, whether they happen in skin cells, stomach cells, liver cells, kidney cells or heart cells. Whenever there’s cellular dehydration, metabolic waste products are kept, causing symptoms that resemble illness, but in fact are only signs of disrupted water metabolism.

Keep in mind

Since a growing number of water starts to collect outside the cells, the dehydration might not be apparent to the affected person; he can in reality notice he keeps water, resulting in swelling of his legs, arms, feet and face. Also his kidneys may start to hold on to water, markedly reducing urinary secretion and inducing retention of harmful waste material. Demetria, a 53-year-old Greek girl, consulted me to find relief for a debilitating state of gallbladder disease. Her skin was dark grey, suggesting a high concentration of toxins in her liver and throughout her body. Seeing how dehydrated (and swollen) her body was, I offered her a glass of water.

She explained: “I never drink water, it makes me ill!” I told her that her normal thirst signals no longer worked due to cellular dehydration, which without drinking water her body couldn’t return to balance. Any water she’d drink would immediately be used to eliminate a few of the toxins lurking in her stomach, causing nausea. In her case, any other treatment than drinking water could have been a waste of money and time. A dehydrated person may also suffer from lack of energy.

Take into account

Because of the shortage of water within the cell, the normal osmotic flow of water through the cell membrane becomes interrupted or badly disturbed. Like in a flow, the flow of water to the cells creates “hydroelectric” energy, which is then stored in the form of ATP molecules (the primary source of cellular energy). Normally, the water we drink retains the cell volume balanced, and the salt we consume maintains the balanced quantity of water that’s held outside the cells and in flow; this creates the perfect osmotic pressure necessary for cellular nourishment and energy generation. During dehydration, this simple process is undermined.

Another significant indicator of dehydration in the body is pain. In response to growing water deficit, the brain activates and stores the important neurotransmitter histamine, which leads certain inferior water regulators to redistribute the quantity of water that’s in circulation. This system helps move water to areas where it’s required for basic metabolic activity and survival (from drought). When histamine and its weak regulators for water consumption and supply encounter pain-sensing nerves in the body, they cause strong and persistent pain.

These pain signals, as they manifest, by way of example, in rheumatoid arthritis, angina, dyspepsia, low back problems, neuralgia, migraine, and hangover headaches, etc., are essential to alert the individual to attend to the issue of local or general dehydration. Taking analgesics or other pain-relieving drugs such as antihistamines or antacids can cause irreversible damage in the body. They not only don’t deal with the actual problem (which can be dehydration), but they also cut the relationship between the neurotransmitter histamine and its weak regulators, such as vasopressin, Renin-Angiotensin (RA), prostaglandin (PG), and kinins.

Final note

The kidneys make a huge effort in trying to maintain the body clear of toxic substances like lead, cadmium, mercury and other impassable pollutants. They also maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, and modulate the pressure in the heart which forces the blood through their filtering system. Kidney stones greatly impair this ability, which consequently increases the quantities of heavy metals and increases the body’s overall level of toxicity. This may cause infection, higher blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, brain disorders, cancer and many other ailments.

These signs indicate the presence of stones and crystals in the bladder or kidneys: a dark or whitish color under the eyes; puffy or swollen eyes, especially in the morning; deep wrinkles beneath and around the eyes; tiny whitish, tan-colored or dark lumps beneath the eyes, which may be sensed or made visible when extending the skin outwards towards the cheekbones; overlapping of the skin of the upper eyelid; chronic pain in the lower spine; swelling of legs and feet; continuous fear or anxiety. There are a variety of herbs which can effectively dissolve kidney stones within a period of 20-30 days. Whether someone has been diagnosed with kidney stones or not, doing a kidney cleanse a couple of times annually produces tremendous curative and preventative benefits. The kidney cleanse not only improves physical health, but also reduces stress, fear and nervousness.