These terms are often used interchangeably: impotence, erectile disorder, erectile dysfunction. Impotence, in principle, is a term used to cover several erectile disorders. Impotence is often referred to as erectile dysfunction.

This condition occurs when a man cannot maintain or get an erection during sexual activity. Impotence is a problem that can affect anyone. The likelihood of experiencing erectile dysfunction, especially in older men, increases.

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Can impotence and Erectile Dysfunction be prevented?

Impotence is preventable in principle by following a healthy lifestyle. Erectile dysfunction is best prevented by eating well and exercising regularly. Inactivity and excess weight can cause blood circulation to be damaged, leading to impotence. Men can also do specific pelvic exercises.

Can Impotence cure be cured?

Impotence is a very treatable condition. Many men can get an erection again, especially with drugs that increase potency such as PDE5 inhibitors. Treatment depends on the individual.

Impotence is also curable. Impotence can be permanently cured if the underlying condition is treated. This is because impotence is usually only a symptom. Both psychological and physical causes can lead to erectile problems. If the underlying causes can be controlled or eliminated, then erectile dysfunction can be restored.

What is Alfazone?

Alfazone is an all-natural sexual enhancer. It is made up of excellent natural ingredients which work instantly after taking it. It is a great product for men of any age who are looking to improve their intimacy. The potency increases and they can enjoy more sexual activity.

Try Alfazone: Alfazone Buy

Ingredients of Alfazone

L-Arginine, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Maca, Cocoa, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Folic acid, Biotin, Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc.

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Some Advantages


It is a type of amino acid found in proteins and associated with the endocrine system. It is also used in the synthesis DNA and creatine, a nitrogenous organic acid that can be found in muscle and nerve cells. L-Arginine acts as a nitric oxygen donor. It is important to know why it could be a treatment alternative for erectile dysfunction.

Amongst the many effects of L-Arginine, we can mention:

  • Increases leukocytes (stimulates immune system).
  • Increases growth hormone release.
  • Reduces the body’s fat content.
  • It is a powerful collagen synthesizer, essential for the healing of skin and joints.
  • Lowers cholesterol levels and improves circulation in general.
  • Ammonia, which is accumulated in muscles during anaerobic exercises (weights for example), can be eliminated through urine. It is for this reason that athletes are embracing the amino acid. This amino acid is essential for recovery, and to prevent pain.
  • L-Arginine releases nitric oxygen and is a vasodilator. It is therefore used to treat cardiovascular diseases and erectile problems.


Black maca is the best for libido. It increases testosterone and sexual potency. It also promotes muscle development and reduces stress for both men and woman.

Maca has many effects:

  • It is the only strain that stimulates desire in both genders in a more natural manner. It is also very effective for males, as it improves the quality and potency of sperm even under adverse conditions.
  • Maca black Andean is a powerful supplement that promotes physical and mental endurance. According to recent research, the high macamide content of black maca increases testosterone levels.
  • This is the strain with the best neuroprotective qualities. It protects nerves and promotes learning and memory.

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Alfazone is the best Option

Alfazone will solve your impotence problem. Alfazone’s natural ingredients make it the best male enhancement product. Alfazone can be purchased on the official website: Alfazone Original