One killer of women in america. As such, it’s vital that you discover how to decrease your risk of cardiovascular problems, and make certain you live a long, healthful life. As women reach menopause, their risk of cardiovascular disease jumps dramatically, even though it’s something to be on top of during your lifetime.


Research indicates that you have the capability to improve your heart health considerably by integrating a heart healthy diet and exercise regimen and avoiding those things which may result in cardiovascular complications later on.

  • Start out by visiting your physician and getting the appropriate blood tests to determine where you stand. The significant healthier heart signs include cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine and C Reactive Protein, or CRP.
  • Check your levels of (4) of these risk indicators to get a comprehensive picture of your heart health. Cut out fried foods, trans fats, hydrogenated oils, snacks and sodas as much as you can. Eat loads of fresh fruits and vegetables. Specifically, Omega 3 fatty oils found in fish are an important part of a healthy heart diet, and garlic and extra virgin olive oil can decrease cholesterol levels.
  • Exercise can enhance a womans heart health by strengthening the cardiovascular system, and facilitating the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells and tissues. Additionally, it can help alleviate stress and boosts immune function, which may help ward off heart disease and other health issues.
  • Make a couple of lifestyle changes. If you’re overweight, try to eliminate those extra pounds as fat can truly put strain on your cardiovascular system. Don’t consume excessive alcohol and attempt to reduce stress as much as you can.

This is only a simple overview of things that could enhance men and womens heart health, but it provides you a starting point. You can find out more about all four of the hints on our website, from a specific healthier heart diet to exercises to little changes that could have a substantial impact on your heart.