Most guys understand that taking vitamin C helps them feel much better when a cold is coming on, but few understand that this vitamin is a vital element in maintaining a sexy penis. The individual who’s interested in appropriate long-term penis care should be certain that his tool is profiting from a direct application of vitamin C on a regular basis.

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People read the labels on food items and understand that there is a definite recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamins and nutrition, but most individuals do not have a good idea about what these ingredients do. Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is water soluble, meaning that it dissolves in water. Because it’s water soluble, it leaves the body via the urinary system following a relatively brief time period. So that the body takes in the vitamin, gets some benefit from it, but gets rid of it shortly after.

C Vitamini

This accounts for why someone must keep taking vitamin C regularly. What Does Vitamin C Do? Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for preserving overall bodily health. It’s beneficial in a variety of ways, including boosting the immune system, fighting disease, keeping the heart healthy, producing collagen, fighting free radicals and boosting good blood circulation. That’s lots of work for just one little vitamin – but the powerful C gets the job done.

What About the Penis?

So it is clear that vitamin C is a hard and dedicated worker in the body, but how does this help to keep a suitably sexy penis? What health benefits unique to the manhood can be traced to this specific vitamin? Keeping the member’s skin looking healthy. Penis skin is resilient, but it is ridiculously sensitive, particularly for an organ that often gets treated in a very aggressive manner. Many men get somewhat over-zealous when masturbating or engaging in sexual partnering, leaving the penis raw.

Often, this is accompanied by minor fractures in the penis skin, which may become infected with bacteria as well as fungi. Due to vitamin C’s ability to resist disease and to repair tissue, it can be a huge help in maintaining the tool healthful and attractive. Keeping blood coming into the manhood. Blood flow is a must throughout the entire body, but it plays a special role in the penis: Without proper blood circulation, erections may be inhibited.


Vitamin C strengthens body tissues, which contains blood vessels; healthy blood vessels are better able to operate properly, which boosts the ability of blood circulation through the body. Heart health. As stated previously, vitamin C is a factor in good cardiac health. How can this help the manhood? Simple: The heart controls blood circulation, which has already been cited as a key player in penis health. Moreover, men with healthy hearts have greater endurance, which permits them to perform with more sexual energy.

Fighting disease

Because vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, it helps fight against other illness. For instance, it’s a fantastic defense against free radicals, which cause oxidative damage that could impact penis health. Vitamin C is found in many foods, such as citrus fruitsnonetheless, it is a fantastic idea to directly target the vitamin toward one’s hot penis using a top-shelf penis health lotion. The benefit of this topical cream application technique is that there’s an immediate absorption of this vitamin for optimum health benefits. This is particularly true for the skin-related advantages of vitamin C, which is buttressed if the lotion also has moisturizers like Shea butter or vitamin E. Additionally, the antioxidant benefit given by vitamin C will be promoted if another antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, is among the cream’s ingredients.