Each case differs, however there are lots of similarities and common issues underlying auto-immune ailments. Included here are a number of approaches to tapping for diminished immune system ailments or symptoms. Often when a person suffers from an auto-immune disease they are treated as if they’ve made up the signs or are over-reacting.


A symptom of this disease is often a foggy or disconnected mind, therefore it’s sometimes hard for the individual to explain symptoms and feelings to a doctor. Many patients feel mad at not being believed or known or equipped to represent themselves well, so let’s tap the anger and other emotions . You may begin with the next setup statements while tapping the karate chop point (customize these with your own words on your situation), then concentrate on the feelings as you tap each stage in the regular EFT sequence and only speak to yourself about deciding to let go of those feelings or symptoms today.

Next, while coping with auto-immune issues I find that often people just feel like victims of the condition and their own body. They’ve probably been told by doctors that they simply have to get used to this different lifestyle of pain or fatigue. Many are already on disability, unable to work or fully function in their lives when they seek the support of an EFT practitioner.

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Many of these people have lost hope and have begun to concede to the dis-ease within their own body. At this time I like to remind the subconscious it can forego this condition. When the core issue is found and cleared, then the symptoms may render the individual. Here are a couple of set up statements for you going to clean out the approval of victimhood: Start by massaging the”sore spots” and then proceed into the karate chop point with these set-ups. Next, following the subconscious mind was brought to focus and blocks to value to be healthy are cleared, it’s time to return to some traumas, injuries, losses, major life changes that happened right around the time that the condition began to manifest symptoms.


The roots or hereditary predisposition to becoming sick could have been transported since conception, however some thing in existence triggered this dormant illness and since then illness has prevailed. Some sample setup statements may include tapping the karate chop while making these statements, then holding emotions from this event and tapping them away at every regular EFT tapping stage. These are simply a couple steps I routinely take when working with clients experiencing auto-immune difficulties. I’ve experienced good success working with many different instances using my kind of N-hanced EFT (a mixture of EFT and NET/ Neuro Emotional Technique). I hope this information serves you well!