Respiratory illnesses are among the top causes of disorders in children. In actuality, children in developed nations likely have more respiratory problems on an average than any other ailment. And in lots of developing countries, these disorders can be deadly for children because they don’t get the appropriate care and they’re not subjected to a healthy lifestyle.

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It’s important to understand what can cause these disorders and how kids are influenced by them so you can take measures to avoid these problems or have them treated whenever possible. There are two common causes of respiratory disorders: Genetics and the Environment. Most breathing problems can be traced back to these origins.

  • Smoking during Pregnancy: A mother who smokes when her child is in the womb can place her child at risk of having a respiratory issue. This is because the baby becomes exposed to tobacco smoke that can lead to damage to the lungs.
  • Sex hormones: Studies have found that double the amount of boys show signs of respiratory disease than women. However, this is only when they’re kids. Women often get more influenced by respiratory difficulties than men later in life.
  • Air Pollution: Air pollution is among the largest factors of respiratory issues. The air comprises various chemicals and toxins such as Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Dioxide. These gases can be quite harmful when inhaled in large amounts. They can affect the lungs and lead to wheezing, coughs and other respiratory problems.
  • Lifestyle: Lifestyle and basic living conditions play an extremely important role in the health of a child. Children that lead a fantastic lifestyle with appropriate food, shelter, exercise and attention frequently have a lower likelihood of getting health issues.
  • Poverty: Poverty results in under-nourishment of kids and they can’t develop their immune systems correctly, which makes them more vulnerable to a range of ailments, including respiratory issues.
  • Pollen: Pollen in the air is scientifically known to cause a range of respiratory issues. Pollen from certain plants can affect unique children. Even if these circumstances aren’t the significant causes of a child’s respiratory illness, they could nevertheless be a trigger for an asthma attack, wheezing or any other breathing issue.

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Children who suffer from respiratory difficulties must be very careful. Even a little trigger can cause a significant problem, making them ill and weak. A child with a respiratory problem will frequently find it difficult to climb stairs, play sports or participate in physical activities. In certain circumstances, children who have significant conditions might need to be rushed to hospital when they get an asthma attack. This may even prove to be fatal if it’s not treated immediately.