I’ll preface this article by stating it will be helpful if you have an open mind and accept that some of these facts are a slap in the face to politically correct nutrition in this day and age where fats are admonished by many physicians, health “experts”, the mass media, etc.. To start, eating an adequate supply of healthy dietary fats is vitally important to your general health.

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Fats are one of the primary components in each the cell membranes throughout your entire body. If you eat enough healthy natural fats, your cellular processes will proceed normally. On the other hand, if you eat artificial, heavily processed, chemically altered fats (damaged fats) that are found in most processed foods, your cellular function will be impaired as these damaged fats become part of your cell membranes, the body will need to work harder to operate correctly, and degenerative diseases can develop.

In addition, healthy dietary fats are essential for optimal hormone production and balance within the body and are therefore essential for the muscle building and fat burning processes. I cringe every time I hear so called “health experts” recommend restriction of dietary fat, asserting a low-carb diet is the key to good health, weight loss, and prevention of degenerative diseases. Restriction of any 1 macronutrient (protein, carbohydrates, or fat) in your daily diet works contrary to what your body needs and can only cause problems.


All three basic macronutrients serve important functions for a lean, healthy, and disease-free body. As Dr. Mary Enig, Ph.D, and one of the primary fats and lipids researchers in the world, notes in a number of her books and articles, there’s hardly any true scientific evidence supporting the assertion that a high fat diet is bad for all of us.

For instance, if these so called “health experts” that admonish fat are right, and a low-carb diet is the solution to good health, then why did traditional Pacific Islanders who normally obtained 2/3 into 3/4 of the total daily calories from fat (mostly from coconut fat), remain virtually free of cardiovascular disease, obesity, and other modern degenerative diseases (in other words, until Western dietary influences invaded)? Also, why did traditional Eskimo inhabitants, consuming up to 75 percent of the total caloric intake from fat (mostly from whale blubber, seal fat, organ meats, and cold water fish), display superior health and longevity without cardiovascular disease or obesity? Why did members of the Masai tribe in Africa remain free of degenerative diseases and maintain low body fat percentages on diets composed of large amounts of raw whole milk, blood, and meat?

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What about the Samburu tribe of Africa, which occupies an average of 5 times the amount of dietary fat (mainly from raw whole milk and meat) as obese, disease-ridden Americans, nevertheless Samburu members are lean, healthy, and free of degenerative diseases? What about traditional Mediterranean diets, which are proven to be quite high in fat (sometimes up to 70% fat), and are also well known to be quite healthy? These examples of high fat diets and the related excellent health of standard inhabitants around the world go on and on, yet it appears that lots of doctors, nutritionists, and government agencies still ignore these facts and continue to promote a diet that restricts fat consumption.

Well, the issue is that the good fats (the natural unprocessed health promoting fats) have gotten erroneously lumped together in nutritional advice with the deadly processed oils and fats which make up a sizable proportion of nearly all processed food that’s sold at the local grocery store, restaurant, deli, fast food joint, etc.. These mortal processed fats are everywhere and nearly impossible to avoid if you don’t know what to search for and make intelligent decisions in what you feed your body with.

Take note that I’m not advocating after having a super high fat diet. Active people that exercise on a regular basis certainly also require adequate supplies of healthy carbohydrates for energy and muscle glycogen replenishment in addition to great sources of protein for muscle repair. Coconut fat: Coconut fat is roughly 92% saturated fat, yet surprisingly to most people, is regarded as a very healthy natural fat. The health benefits of coconut fat lie in its makeup of roughly 65% medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). Specifically, about 50 percent of coconut fat is a MCT called lauric acid, which has very powerful anti-microbial properties helping to improve the immune system.

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Also, MCTs are more readily utilized for instant energy rather than being stored as body fat. Coconut oil is also an outstanding cooking oil for stir-frying, etc. because saturated fats are more stable and don’t oxidize like polyunsaturated oils when subjected to light and heat, which generates damaging free radicals. The best sources of healthy coconut fat are organic coconut milk, virgin coconut oil, or fresh coconut.

Extra virgin olive oil: Olive oil is roughly 71 percent polyunsaturated, 16% saturated, and 13% polyunsaturated. Choose”extra virgin” olive oil, which stems from the first pressing of the olives and contains higher amounts of antioxidants. Unlike most other oils on grocery shelves, extra virgin olive oil isn’t extracted by means of harmful industrial solvents and is among the safest options for liquid oils. Try making your own salad dressing by mixing a small quantity of olive oil . This is healthier than most store bought salad dressings, which are usually created with highly processed and refined (chemically damaged) soybean oil extracted with industrial solvents. 70% cocoa): The cocoa bean is a very concentrated source of antioxidants and accountable for part of their health advantage of dark chocolate. The fat part of the cocoa bean (cocoa butter) is a healthy natural fat, composed of roughly 59% saturated fat (mostly healthy stearic acid), 38% monounsaturated fat, and 3 percent polyunsaturated fat. 70% cocoa content.

Most milk chocolates are just about 30% cocoa, as well as most dark chocolates are only about 55% cocoa, leaving the rest of these products composed of large quantities of sugars, milk fat, corn sweeteners, etc.. Look for a quality dark chocolate which lists its cocoa content between 70%-80%. A dark chocolate with cocoa content within this range will comprise mostly cocoa and very little sugar. Keep in mind that although dark chocolate may be a nutritious treat, it’s still calorie dense, so keeping it to a square or two is a fantastic idea.

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Avocados or guacamole: The fat in avocados (based on where they are grown) is roughly 60% monounsaturated, 25% saturated, and 15% polyunsaturated. Avocados are a really healthy natural food that offers many nutrients, fiber, and healthy fats, while adding a rich flavor to any meal. Try sliced avocado on sandwiches or in salads or use guacamole in wraps, sandwiches, or quesadillas. High fat fish like wild salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring, trout, etc.: Nearly any fish or fish are good sources of organic omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, but the greater fat fish listed above are the very best sources of omega-3’s.

As a result of radical switch to a greater percentage of omega-6 polyunsaturated fats such as soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, etc. in our food source throughout the middle of the 20th century, the typical western diet is now way too high in omega-6’s compared to omega-3’s, which wreak havoc in your system. This is where great omega-3 sources such as high fat fish, walnuts, and flax seeds can help bring you back to a greater ratio of omega-6/omega-3. Nuts (all – walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, macadamias, etc.): Nuts are amazing sources of healthy Processed fats in addition to minerals and other trace nutrients. Macadamias, almonds, and cashews are amazing sources of monounsaturated fats, while walnuts are a fantastic supply of unprocessed polyunsaturated fats (like omega-3’s). Stay away from nuts which are cooked in oil. Instead, select raw or dry roasted nuts.

Seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds): all these seeds are amazing sources of natural unprocessed wholesome fats. Specifically, flax seeds have gotten a great deal of attention lately because of their high omega-3 content. However, bear in mind that omega-3 polyunsaturated fats are highly reactive to light and heat, and prone to oxidation and free radical production, so freshly ground flax seed is the only thing to do. Rather than using the store bought ground flax seed, you can buy whole flax seed and use one of these mini coffee grinders to grind your own flax seed. Try grinding fresh flax seed in your yogurt, cereal, or even your salad. If you are using a flax oil, make sure it’s a cold-pressed oil at a light-proof refrigerated container, and use it up in a couple of weeks to stop it from going rancid. NEVER cook with flax oil!

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The fat in organically raised, free-range creatures: This is where most people are misinformed by the mass media. Animal fat is inherently great for us, that is, if it came from a healthy animal. Human beings have thrived on animal fats for centuries. The issue lies in the fact that the majority of mass produced animal products now don’t come from healthy animals. They come from animals given plenty of antibiotics and fattened up with hormones and fed un-natural feed. The solution is to select organically raised, free-range meats, eggs, and dairy. At this moment, the cost is still a bit higher, but it’s well worth it, and as demand grows, the costs will come down.

FDA still allows this crap to pass as food. These oils are not even worthy of your lawnmower, much less your own body! They’ve been linked to obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and much more. Even tiny quantities are shown in studies to be harmful. If you care about your wellbeing, check the ingredients of everything you purchase, and if you see partially hydrogenated oils of any kind, margarine, or shortening, safeguard yourself and your family by choosing something different.

Refined oils: Even if the oils aren’t hydrogenated, most oils on your supermarket shelves are refined, even the majority of the so called”healthy” canola oils. Even most refined oils still experience the high temperature, higher pressure, solvent extraction, bleaching, and deodorizing processes. Anything labeled vegetable oil, soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, as well as many canola oils are damaged by this refining procedure. This damages the organic structure of these fats, destroys natural antioxidants, creates free radicals, and creates a generally unhealthy product.

Notă finală

Take note that the explosion of cardiovascular disease in the middle of the 20th century coincides quite well with the rapid rise in the use of hydrogenated and refined oils in the food supply at that moment. Anything deep fried: such as tortilla chips, potato chips, French fries, donuts, fried chicken, chicken nuggets, etc.. All this crap does not even pass as actual food in my view! Homogenized milk fat – Milk fat is a really healthy fat in its raw state. Traditional inhabitants around the world thrived in excellent health while consuming substantial amounts of raw, non-pasteurized, non-homogenized, full fat dairy products.

Once more, food processing destroys a great thing by pasteurizing and homogenizing milk fat, making it potentially harmful within the human body. Unfortunately, you’ll find it nearly impossible to find raw milk in the US unless you know a farmer. Alternatively, cultured dairy products such as yogurt have had beneficial microorganisms added back to them which makes them better for you. Realistically, as you likely won’t find raw milk, adhering to skim milk is the best choice. If you use butter for cooking, cultured organic butter is the best choice. I hope this article has shed some light on the truth about dietary fats and made you understand that their importance in a healthy diet. Visit my website below to find more free fitness articles and bonuses for stopping by.