The emphasis, for preserving our health, in this country, is somewhat different, from that, in much, of the rest of the world. Our strategy, which only considered, so – called, allopathic medicines, was often justified, by asserting our system, was based on mathematics, and more effective, proven, and safer, than the unproven alternative procedures, and approaches.

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However, in fact, america, regardless of the comparative wealth and prosperity, education, and monies expended, doesn’t have the best data, concerning the total health, of our population! Having, at one stage in my life, both, operated, and owned, natural medical care companies, in addition to written a book on natural alternatives for anxiety relief, and numerous articles on natural health/ alternative medicine, I am a strong believer, the ideal system and strategy, is what is usually known, as health, significance using a combination of allopathic, and natural approaches, etc..

With that in mind, this guide will try to briefly, review, consider, and discuss, how the wellness strategy could be the healthiest way, to live.

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  • Homeopathy: Most other nations’ physicians, start treatments, using homeopathy, instead of allopathy! Homeopathic remedies use the doctrine of less – is – more, meaning applying a second quantity of the ailment, to be able to build up our immune system, as opposed to merely, attempting to cover – up, and/ or removing / addressing the symptoms, as opposed to the causes. I’ve used homeopathic medicines, for several years, and consider them, useful and valuable. However, these ought to be used for non – life – threatening issues, because those, are normally better, treated, with allopathy.
  • Herbs, and using nutritional supplements, together with allopathic medications: One example of this, is, if using antibiotics, it is logical, to concurrently, take probiotic supplements. Since one of those side – effects of taking antibiotics, can be gastro – intestinal distress, etc, since both the bacteria/ germs, as well as what is known as the fantastic type (for example, bacteria which line our stomachs, etc), are murdered, and carrying, a probiotic, or mixes, will generally lessen distress, etc.. Additionally, many have discovered, minor problems, like colds, etc, are often eased by herbs or supplements, such as Echinacea, and Vitamin – C, with no side effects.
  • Stress relief: Exercise, Bach Flower Remedies/ Essences, natural breathing exercise, etc, are often, ways to decrease stress, with no extra risks, or side effects.
  • Use both: Know if you want allopathic medications, and when, your wellbeing may be properly addressed, using alternative strategies. This comprehensive approach, is the heart, of Wellness. Maintain an open – mind, and use allopathy, in combination with the so – called, natural approaches. The goal ought to be better health, with less risk and side effects, and a stronger immune system!