Years ago, perhaps if you were a kid, breastfeeding was not highly popular. Breastfeeding wasn’t encouraged as it is in today’s society. Doctors did not fully grasp how important and beneficial it is for a newborn baby. Due to this, and some other reasons, there were lots of new moms that went straight to feeding with the jar, most frequently new moms did not even attempt to breastfeed their new infant.


It helps to protect and nurture your baby in innumerable ways. There have been a number of studies in regard to breastfeeding infants and the results have shown gains in brainpower within no more than six weeks of breastfeeding. The analysis has also shown a reduced risk of obesity because of the fact that breastfed babies are not as likely to overeat than formula-fed babies. Overall, babies which were breastfed for about six months are also less likely to have breathing issues.

We now understand how succulent breast milk is for your baby. Breastfeeding is highly suggested by doctors in addition to health care professionals. Further, it has been proven that breast milk supports brain function as mentioned above and also provides valuable nutrients that wouldn’t otherwise be available.

Breast milk

It is extremely special, each mother’s milk is a bit different, tailored to your infant’s needs. An infant’s immune system is directly influenced by the breast milk of his/her mother. Every feeding period is an very important time of the day, it helps the mother and baby time to bond to each other with no distractions. A new mother will truly get to know her infant by breastfeeding and will feel much more at ease with him or her through breastfeeding. Milk induced sleep is one of the best things a mother will encounter.

Newborns like being cuddled and they also like to eat. When you combine the two you get a very sleepy baby who will snuggle up in their mother’s arms after the feeding is over. Breastfeeding will instill a naptime but you will end up continuing to rock your precious little one, it is calming to mother also. Babies have a built in latching instinct, even though some babies won’t latch properly, causing pain to the mother.

Notă finală

You’ll detect these problems early on and you will find that many hospitals have a nursing specialist to help to decide whether your baby is latching on erroneous. If you continue to have problems in this area in the first week, you should speak with your health care provider. With a little practice you’ll be a pro in no time! Hang in there, It’s worth it! Breast milk isn’t only great for your baby, but it’s also great for the mother also.

It’s been said that Mother’s who breast-feed their babies for at least six months have demonstrated a dramatical decrease in the probability of various forms of cancer including breast cancer and ovarian cancer. All new parents want to give their babies the very best and when it comes to nutrition, the very best”first food” for infant is breast milk. Although you may experience a few challenges initially when breastfeeding; it’ll be the best experience a new mommy is going to have. There may even come a time later in life when you look back on this superb experience and wish you had breast fed your baby longer.