Candida, a condition that the majority of us have learned about and one that is becoming more and more common, is worth some investigation. Called a 20th century disease, it’s regarded as the result of a variety of factors, such as over-consumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates, physical and psychological stress, long term use of the birth control pill, and what’s more, the use of broad spectrum antibiotics that kill off important intestinal flora (aka good bacteria).

Candida Albicans

It is a part of the mould household, is single celled yeast that lives in us by age 6 months on. It’s the bad germs that we keep hearing about. It normally resides in the lower intestinal tract, but may also be present on the skin. To put it simply, it is a parasite. There are no ill effects from it, but there are no benefits . When circumstances are balanced and we’ve got a strong, healthy immune system, the yeast is kept in check. But if our defenses are weakened and it’s allowed to spread, the results can be catastrophic!

Left untreated, it may become life threatening. It becomes this severe, but even a mild overgrowth could be painful. If you encounter one or more of these symptoms for 2 months or more, Candida overgrowth may be to blame, and you will need to take action before it becomes more serious. If you do not have Candida, it’s still worth examining your lifestyle and diet since you do N’T WANT IT! Trust us! You know what they say about an ounce of prevention. So consider consulting with a professional.


A naturopath or herbalist can appear to be an expensive option today, but a certain diagnosis and prompt treatment can save you time and money in the long term. Alternatively, if you’re seriously interested in dealing with it by yourself, there are a number of simple, effective measures which may be taken to help avoid or eliminate the illness. Diet is the first line of defense. It can be tricky to change the way we consume, but the benefits of good health are well worth the effort. And odds are that when you understand how terrific you feel (and look!) , you’ll never need to turn back. What can I do about it?

  • Eliminate sugar. This is what feeds Candida. When I say remove sugar, I mean entirely –no simple task in a food culture where sugar is in the forefront of each grocery store shelf. Sugar is found in virtually every processed food thing, many of these foods that are marketed to us as wholesome. Bread, salad dressings (substitute olive oil and lemon–tastes good!) , breakfast cereals, condiments, yogurt, sauces, granola bars all contain sugar. There’s even sugar salt! But what about the more natural sugars such as honey, maple syrup or fruit? These foods aren’t bad, let me be clear, but they’re still full of sugar, and therefore, will nourish the over-growth. What you need to do is STARVE the Candida. You do not starve something by giving it small preferences here and there.
  • Eliminate Yeast. Foods with yeast, mold or fungus also feed Candida growth. This means most breads (do not worry, you will find delicious yeast-free, rice or almond bread choices out there), in addition to fermented foods (vinegars, pickles, beer, wine, tofu, fermented cheese, etc.).
  • Reduce dairy intake. Dairy promotes an acidic environment that promotes its growth. And unless you purchase organic, almost all of our dairy comprises antibiotics and hormones, and is fortified with vitamins that contain yeast.
  • Eat organic. Non-organic foods include pesticides, hormones and antibiotics which attack the immune system and weaken our resolve from germs like Candida. 5. Take probiotics (lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidum). These friendly bacteria are available in capsule form or in yogurt. But bear in mind, if you opt to go the yogurt path, go organic. Choose an unsweetened organic yogurt (no antibiotics).
  • Support your immune system. A good quality multivitamin will provide you with essential nutrients and antioxidants. Boosting your glutathione levels can also be key. Glutathione is a vital protein in our body for detoxification. Additionally it is regarded as the master antioxidant.
  • Take anti-fungals. These natural products can keep Candida from spreading. Many practitioners believe it’s crucial to supplement nutritious eating with anti-fungals like oregano oil, olive oil, caprylic acid, berberine or garlic. At the tip of my naturopath, I’d specific antifungal testing performed in order to learn what specific treatments would work for me in getting rid of my over-growth. Every body is different.
  • Get informed. There are a great deal of resources available, both online and in print, such as treatment books and recipes, and even support groups.
  • And remember stress. There’s a direct connection between our emotions and how effectively our immune system works. During times of stress, we’re a lot more vulnerable to disease, a sign of a compromised immune system. This creates the perfect atmosphere for invaders like Candida to propagate and get a solid hold. All of us lead such busy lives, and we often can not control the things which leave us emotionally depleted. But if we wish to be healthy, we will need to take the opportunity to examine what’s happening inside and out that could be scrutinizing our wellbeing.

Remember, your body needs to be healthy! By making healthy decisions at any stage of life you may enable your health to attain its fullest potential!