Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) may possibly be a “wonder vitamin” in some people’s books. A great deal of claims are made for it in the last couple of years, not the least of which was Dr. Linus Pauling’s claims for its capacity to prevent and decrease the duration and level of the common cold when taken in large doses.

Vitamina C

Unfortunately, although vitamin C is anti-viral and does support the immune system, it’s not necessarily a magic bullet which will defeat the common cold or cancer! Vitamin C, like most other vitamins and vitamin supplements primarily assists the body do its job efficiently. Deficiencies of vitamin C CAN predispose the body to certain ills, and appropriate intake either through daily diet or vitamin supplementation may assist in preventing specific conditions and illnesses.

Vitamins and mineral supplements shouldn’t be utilized as the sole path to health, but should be a part of a lifestyle which includes overall focus on nutrition, action (okay, exercise), good sleep and rest, and enjoyable forms of recreation and relaxation. I would throw in meditation and yoga, but these are MY enjoyable forms of recreation, relaxation, and exercise, I guess.

É bom saber

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, and, consequently, isn’t stored within the body. This means it has to be regularly replaced by supplementation or diet. The most frequently recognized sources of vitamin C are citrus and other fruits – oranges, tangerines, limes, guava, lemons, papayas, strawberries, black currants, grapefruit and mangoes – as well as a wide selection of vegetables. Some vegetables that contain Vitamin C include collard greens, hot and sweet peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, brussels sprouts, cabbage, potatoes, kale, spinach, and watercress.

Vitamin C is a nutrient beneficial for tissue development, protection of cell membranes from toxic wastes, wound healing, and, as stated, support of the immune system. It supports the development of cartilage and collagen, protecting in this way against lots of the effects of aging. As an antioxidant, vitamin C aids free radicals, and it can help fight cancer, high cholesterol, cataracts, diabetes, allergies, asthma, and periodontal disease.

Tenha em mente

The recommended daily intake of Vitamin C is 60 mg daily for adults, although lots of individuals, after Dr. Pauling’s lead, take much higher doses in hopes of preventing colds and warding off the effects of aging. However, in higher doses there may be some toxicity with one of the side effects being nausea. In some instances, higher doses of vitamin C can lead to kidney stones or anemia, because of an interference with the absorption of vitamin B12.

A reminder

Vitamin C is water soluble, and unused portions will be flushed out of the body, so daily intake of foods rich in vitamin C or supplementation using a daily vitamin might be of value. While there do not appear to be major problems related to a high doses of Vitamin C, it might a good idea to stay within recommended daily allowances because the jury is still out on side effects. The most well-known effect of a vitamin C deficiency is scurvy, a condition characterized by weakness, anemia, gum disease, and skin lesions. Fortunately, scurvy is quite uncommon in our modern society but still found to a greater degree in regions of poor nutrition.