It’s an established fact: COLD SHOWERS (AND BATHS) ARE VERY GOOD FOR YOU, in several ways and for several reasons, and they are completely natural – hot water is after all, a fairly recent development in human history and we quickly got used to it – and now of course just simply take it for granted.

What is happenning?

I could not breathe – I was convinced my lungs had actually frozen in my chest cavity, and I was sure I was gonna have a coronary artery, not to mention what it did to my once-proud penis – the expression”countersunk” very much sprang to mind right then and there as I sprang from the shower-from-hell a great deal faster than I entered it. . ! I had been as warm as toast, feeling completely ‘here’, and as lively and clear-headed as I was ever going to be not bad for a 25 minute shower. . !

That’s when I realised that all of the information I’d read, all of the things that other people had told me was perfectly true – and I was hooked. I had been a big brave boy, I abandoned the hair-dryer alone and just let nature take its’ course. . ! Seriously though, your flow is given a critical kick-start every time. If you’re able to easily and comfortably take the strain of what initially feels like a sub-zero immersion into the depths of the antarctic then it’s possible to adapt to any stress anyone yells at you.

Tenha em mente

The degree of Glutathione in your bloodstream is raised – the complete master detoxifier to your immune system. The excess oxygen supply by an increased breathing rate in addition to a faster heart beat will kick each synapsis and manhood – especially the mind, into a super-accelerated high gear that will last for as long as you want it. Noradrenaline, a compound that plays a huge role in the calming of melancholy, is triggered under a cold shower.

There also have been studies which have confirmed that a general anti-depressive effect is obtained when the brain receives hefty amounts of electric impulse signals as a result of cold-water”jolt”. A British study demonstrated that regular cold showers really increased the flow of disease-fighting white blood cells – routine hot flashes just does not make the grade when it comes to revving-up our greatest bodily defence system.


A cold shower arouses the brown fat (why do you think all those tibetan monks are so lean. . ?) With the result that additional calories are burnt to keep your internals cozy and warm as you go through the onslaught of freezing water – over time, this may cause substantial fat loss. Yup, cold water enhances your skin condition since you won’t ruin the important organic oils your skin should flourish – hot water only destroys them.