Is there a small voice in your head that is holding you back? What if the words you’ve heard can provide you a boost rather than it weighing you down? Most of us have the propensity to hold on to negative self-judgments regardless of what status we hold in our society.


Whether we’re a struggling freelancer who is hustling every day simply to make ends meet, a high-ranking company executive who is at the helm of his livelihood, or a successful entrepreneur reaping the rewards of his hard work, negative thoughts hold on to us. In addition to, the continuous stress, stress, and anxiety which we experience in our everyday lives, nobody is spared by the abundance of distractions around us.

Even when steeped in only reading a book, our mind wanders about 20 percent of the time. We’ve got a tricky time being right here in the present moment. Having negative thoughts are normal. Staying there’s what causes the majority of the damage. Excessive mind wandering and self-criticizing may lead to anger, depression, frustration, and anxiety that often contributes to depression.


It promotes the release of cortisol, a chemical compound that inhibits the immune system, and if ignored can lead to ill health and even sickness. These will keep you from enjoying life as possible. In switching to a more positive thought pattern, you create space to invite whatever you want into our life, such as love, gratitude, enthusiasm, and positivity. Acceptance allows you to be at peace and live your life to the fullest. Your ideas would be your worst enemy.

Your feelings come from your own thoughts. If you can learn how to change your thoughts to positive, you’ll feel much better. Below are techniques you can use to snap fast from a negative thought.

“The 5-minute rule”

It is OK to be negative if things fail, but not for at least 5 minutes. When things do not fall into place, you examine the circumstance, you can bitch, moan, kick things, but after 5 minutes, take a deep breath and say “Can’t change it” and learn how to accept reality. The 5 minutes gives you sufficient time to feel it, reflect, and decide on the next move. There’s no value in dwelling in the past. You can not go back and change it. The only logical, smart choice is to take all things which are out of your hands, take the things you can not change and proceed.

You gain emotional freedom when you adopt the things you can not change. When bad things happen, it is not the terrible things which are causing you pain, it is your immunity to those terrible stuff. It’s about wishing and desiring it were different. When confronted with a situation like this, say,”Can’t alter it.” Divert your attention to the things you would like and accept the things you do not need (reality).

Tenha em mente

In 2007, two school teachers experienced the benefits of mindfulness practice and wanted to bring it to life in the classroom. The Mindfulness in Schools Project was born, henceforth, . b was coined. Richard Burnett and Chris Cullen were tasked to encourage 25 teens to become involved in times of stillness and silence. They convinced them that mindfulness has been a skill that could make a real difference to their lives. Research informs us that your psychological health and happiness are profoundly shaped by how and where you put your focus.

Mindfulness is recognizing where believing becomes over thinking and rumination. Knowing how to change gears to a mode of mind that is more nourishing is a skill which you can learn through training. When the mind wanders, you want to bring it back to the present. If it stinks 100 times, you bring it back to the current 100 times. You want to train the muscle of our focus (also known as, mind muscle). That’ s the foundation of mindfulness.


Mindfulness reinforces the immune system. Less stress means less cortisol which contributes to improved health. Then you’ve got to “Stop, Breathe deep, and Be current!” . Daniel Goldman is a psychologist and an award-winning author of Emotional Intelligence. He challenged traditional measures of intelligence as a predictor of success in life. While watching his talk about “Focus-The Secret to High Performance and Fulfillment” in the Royal College of Music, he shared he visited an elementary school in New Haven, Connecticut.

Going to the classrooms, he noticed that there were posters of a Stop light on the walls of each classroom. He soon realized that the college was obliged to encourage children to practice mindfulness from a young age. STOP! – Means to stop, assess the circumstance. CALM DOWN – Means to unwind, handle your internal turmoil. THINK- Means you want to consider before you act.


By following these 3 simple steps, you’ll have the ability to overcome your negative emotions soundly. This procedure is a lesson about cognitive control. One definition of adulthood is by learning how to lengthen the difference between impulse and action. By doing this you allow yourself to deal with a situation wisely.