I get uncomfortable just thinking about it! That’s because as a woman in my late 20’s I’ve certainly had my share of bouts with this ANNOYING disease. I can’t being to count how many over-the-counter products I have tried with little, or no relief.


I say small because those overly-priced so-called cures are just designed to deal with the disease temporarily–THEY DO NOT ADDRESS THE UNDERLYING PROBLEM! That having been said, let us examine what a yeast infection actually is. First, yeast or clinically place, Candida is a fungus that’s naturally present on normal human skin and in moist areas such as the mouth and vagina.

The most common thread responsible for vaginal yeast infections is Candida albicans (this breed can also be common in the gastrointestinal track). Vaginal yeast infections happen when fresh yeast is introduced into the vagina or if there is an overgrowth of yeast present. It’s important to see that the vagina is very, very sensitive to pH, so whenever there’s a disturbance of the pH balance, a yeast infection is very likely to occur.


I found out the hard way when I had one for the first time. I had been put on antibiotics from my dentist to get a tooth infection, and wound up with a yeast infection! This brings me to my next point. A healthy general body pH and a powerful immune system are essential to fight and prevent recurring infections. See, yeast might not just overgrow in the vagina, but in other body parts too (That’s right guys.

Remember the yeast that’s present in the mouth? Yep, you can find a yeast infection there, even though it is most common in babies and is called oral thrush. Oh, and let’s not forget about that gastrointestinal track–yeast can overgrow there also and really upset the digestive tract. So how can we get rid of that awful stuff? Well, it isn’t so much about eliminating it as it’s about keeping it in check.

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  • Prevent overgrowth in the first place by keeping your immune system strong. This is the first and most important line of defense. Immunes systems might be compromised while taking antibiotics, some birth-control pills (this was the reason for my recurring infections), some cancer therapies, etc.. Drink PLENTY of water! General rule is to drink at least half your body weight in water daily. For me that is about 65 oz (I weight about 130lbs) but I try to slip in a little extra. Also, get a great deal of vitamin C. Vitamin supplements are okay, but it is ideal to get it from real food. 3-5 oranges daily are excellent, but in case you can not make yourself eat that many, drink it in a smoothie!
  • Avoid sugar!! Yeast LOVES sugar so rid yourself of it! In actuality, you will honestly should generate some dietary changes if you would like to rid yourself of infections. One book I found helpful offers a food strategy in addition to some natural remedies which you can use to take care of current infections. Most of the remedies are already in your refrigerator or cabinet and the ones which are not you can buy from the health food shop. Remember those smoothies? Let’s not add any excess sugarlike juice from a container. In actuality, just use fruit (I like strawberries, bananas, pineapple and kiwi) and a tiny bit of soymilk–not yogurt, unless it’s plain. While flavored yogurt has active cultures (we’ll get to those), it’s also packed with sugars.
  • Ladies, refrain from tight clothes. I know you’ve heard this a million times, but it actually does make a difference. Wear cotton underwear–it is”breathable.” Yeast loves moisture so let’s not give them any additional!
  • Consume probiotics!! “Good” bacteria are what keep yeast in check also. You’ll get these live cultures in yogurt such as Yoplait or Activia (you have seen the advertisements ). However, I highly advise you to stick with plain, no sugar-added yogurt at least till you remove a current infection. You could also use probiotic supplements found in your neighborhood drug or health food shop. Take those as directed. This is merely to get you started.


I’m constantly reading literature on this topic so I am certain that there will be upgrades. I will say that if I follow the guidelines of my eBook and use only a little common sense I’m infection-free. But I can’t stress enough how important it is to keep your immune system healthy! This is your most powerful defense in winning the war against yeast infections.