Warning: we’re now entering a badly holistic wellness zone! According to Chinese Medicine, the human body is revived and energized by 14 primary energy pathways, which are often known as ‘energy meridians’.


Each meridian is related to a specific group of organs and bodily systems in our bodies, and also with a particular set of emotions. If any particular meridian becomes weak, blocked or begins to malfunction in some way – and it is not dealt with – sooner or later that shows up as a psychological issue. If the issue still is not recognized and dealt with at the point, then it can go on to manifest as a full-blown bodily illness or issue.

Energy meridians influence our emotions AND our bodily wellbeing. If they are blocked or not functioning the way they need to be, they could cause psychological problems, as well as physical health issues. So now, we have hit the 64 million dollar question: which particular energy meridian is connected to, and accountable for, fostering our mood? The Solution is: the Spleen Meridian.

The Spleen Meridian

It accounts for digesting, assimilating and’dealing with’ all of the input you receive from the outside world. That input might be food; it might be environmental; it may be knowledge; or it might be feelings and emotions. The more empathy, caring and nurturing you’ve got on your life, the more powerful your Spleen Meridian – and joyful energy – will be.

Indifference, anger and hostility take out your Spleen Meridian. Nothing but nothing dissipates your joyful energy quicker or more efficiently than being yelled at, ignored, neglected (especially if you’re a kid ) or beaten-up, both verbally and otherwise. You might also seriously short-out your Spleen Meridian if you are more likely to guilt-tripping yourself for making mistakes or beating yourself up for not necessarily doing everything perfect. Pray on it God can move mountains, even when you’re still stuffing from the microwave foods and living near a nuclear reactor.


Make certain that you’re giving and getting enough healthier compassion in your life. Do everything you can to prevent or minimize the stuff that is wiping it out.

Exercise regularly – dance for at least five mad minutes is the only best way to immediately give your Happy Energy a boost. Use the easy energy technique (described below) to strengthen the Spleen Meridian. A great, simple way to fortify your Happy Energy is to frequently tap or rub the Spleen acupressure and neurolymphatic points. These points are located just beneath your boobs, in front, or in the side of your breasts. Tap whichever region feels more tender – the more energy gets trapped or blocked there, the more it will hurt.