How do you want to feel confident and rest easy knowing that you’re giving your body the best chance at fending off colds and flu’s? Well, what I’m going to share with you are my”5 key strategies” to boosting your immune system so that you can dramatically reduce those incredibly tired, grumpy, stuffy, achy, rather than needing to get off the sofa, blah days!

Fator nutricional

The first thing you need to do, and the most important, is start by changing your everyday diet. You ought to be putting the best natural, healthy, raw organic food in your body since this is among the very best ways to naturally enhance your immune system. All your body systems should have the best”fuel” to utilize so that they run smoothly. As you would put premium fuel to your sports car to ensure maximum efficiency, the quality of the food you put into your body will make sure that everything is operating as efficiently as possible. The second thing that you need to do is workout at least 3x a week for at least 30 minutes.

Regular exercise

It is a critical strategy for increasing your resistance to disease. There’s evidence that regular, moderate exercise can lower your risk for respiratory disease by boosting your immune system. In reality, one study found that individuals who exercised regularly (five or more times a week) reduce their risk of having a cold by close to 50 percent. And, if they did catch a cold, their symptoms were far less severe than those who did not exercise. If you’re not getting enough sleep, or sufficient restorative sleep, then you’re placing yourself at risk for viral and bacterial infections. The more well rested you are, the better your immune system is at fighting off colds and flu’s.

Emotional stress

It can predispose one to infections and can make cold symptoms worse. Daily stress can definitely reduce your immune system and in addition to that, if we are stressed we usually make bad food choices and eat high fat, high calorie, carbonated foods that are rich. My fifth secret isn’t just the simplest way for boosting your immune system and fending off colds and flu’s, but is among the very best methods to improve your immunity. Supplement your diet with high quality vitamin D and get loads of sunshine.

Numerous studies are showing a deficiency in vitamin D is correlated with more sick days and time away from work. The difficulty for most people though is that the inability to get outdoors when it’s sunny and nearly impossible to get enough vitamin D from sunlight in the winter. For those in the winter without a very limited exposure to sunlight, 4,000-5,000 units every day would seem suitable for many adults. For children the dose could be half that. The key though is to be sure to track your vitamin D levels by blood testing, to ensure that your levels are therapeutic rather than toxic. I recommend getting your vitamin D levels tested regularly. So right now, I would like you to begin by going to your neighborhood grocery store and choose healthful, organic foods for you and your loved ones. You’ll be happy you did.