Vitamins – Why Should I Care About Vitamins? Vitamins and the immune system will be the underdogs of the real health difficulties. When I hear professionals speak about health, I get too frequently lost in the long addresses of physicians and practitioners. After an hour I still wonder exactly what to do to improve my health! My friend lets keep it simple. Ok?

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Your body requires vitamins and minerals to function properly and repair itself. Before large drugstores begin to appear on city corners, there was Nature. After drugstores are forgotten and gone there will still be Nature. For centuries Nature patiently evolved into this day and we’re a part of it. The wisdom of Nature is in our genes and our DNA. Nature does not need your money nor to make a profit from you, unlike drugstores and the illness business generally.

Nature wants you to be happy and fit. Why the heck do they sell chocolate bars and candies in drugstores? We better wake up and quick! The best way to defend yourself from the most recent health trends or the most recent taste of this month thrown at you through expensive advertisements is Knowledge. Knowledge is power. With it you’ve got choices. With ignorance, you do not have choices. Yes, my friend if you’re ignorant about the basic facts of health and where to receive your daily minerals and vitamins, you’re dead in the water.

Hvorfor det?

Because you’ll be the next client to rely on the most recent new enhanced amazing discovery of this month to get healthier. Don’t you wonder why there’s so many ill people when you consider the multitude of better, better and more powerful formulas available in the marketplace? I will put it simply to you. Health-Sickness industry is Big company and they do not want you to become healthier! Wake up and find out about minerals and vitamins.

Take your health into your own hands. Vitamins and minerals for one thing are one of the basic building blocks of our immune system. When do you hear on tv that you need to fortify your immune system with vitamins and minerals? A powerful immune system means a stronger health. Instead, you will hear probably it is the flu season and you run to the pharmacy to have a large supply of this new improved cough syrup. If you’re hoping to learn about how to improve your wellbeing seeing advertisements, you better think again. You will find health in quality food! Not in the new pills, not in the most recent treatment discovery!

What’s the best food?

The best food is the one found in its natural state. The closest to its origin. That’s where you’ll get the very best vitamins and minerals. Fresh organic produce are king. Fast food is far out of your league if you would like to stay healthy. Devitalized food will construct a devitalized body; it is as straightforward as that. It’s simple as the term: “junk in, junk out” principle we hear so often when we talk about computers. Same principle applies to our own body and to our health. I enjoy the K.I.S.S principle. Lets go back to the fundamental.


Go get your vitamins and minerals from unaltered food. The less cooked the better. Go for raw food if you can and as often as possible. More natural foods mean greater quality vitamins and minerals, which means a much better health for you. Of course if you’re badly deficient in certain vitamins or nutritional supplements you can get supplements to give your body an opportunity to get back on his feet. But just for a little while, do not do it on a regular basis. Believe me, for the long term you’ll be able to find your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals in a smart choice over various fresh foods. Knowledge is power my friend.