Enzymes are special types of proteins. Enzymes are catalysts that accelerate or increase the rate of a reaction. That is, they allow a reaction that would otherwise take thousands or millions of years to occur in milliseconds. Almost all metabolic processes in the human body need enzymes in order to occur at rates fast enough to sustain life.

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They are the dynamic power that gives our body the ability to function at the highest level of good health. They must be present before any chemical reaction can take place in the body. Vitamins, minerals and hormones cannot do their jobs without enzymes.

What happens when there is enzymes deficiency? The early signs of the shortage of enzymes in the body are digestive complains such as heartburn, gas, bloating and belching. Other symptoms may include headaches, stomach aches, diarrhea, constipation, chronic fatigue, yeast infections and nutritional deficiencies. Because these symptoms are so prevalent, many people consider them to be normal. However, they are an indication that the body cannot process the food eaten. Digestive problems concern the stomach, intestines, colon, liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. Digestive disease more than any other disease, is the major cause of hospitalization.

Enzymatic Treatment

Enzymatic Therapy is a plan of dietary supplements of plant and animal enzymes used to facilitate the digestive process and improve the body’s ability to maintain balanced metabolism. Who needs Enzymatic Therapy? Enzymatic Therapy benefits everyone. Patients suffering from medical disorders that affect the digestive process are the primary beneficiary of this kind of treatment. However, enzymes therapy has been known to be of great value to career people suffering from stress. People with weight problems and even the healthy have attested to the efficacy of this unique treatment.

What illnesses do Enzymatic Therapy treats? This type of therapy has been successfully used to deal with anaemia, alcoholism, anxiety, acute inflammation, back pain, cancer, and colds. Enzymes Therapy can also be used to treat chronic fatigue syndrome, colitis, constipation, diarrhoea, food allergies, gastritis, gout, hepatitis, mucous congestion, nervous disorders, premenstrual syndrome, and stress.


Are there no enzymes in the food we consume? Of course, there are enzymes in our foods, but we find ourselves in the age where most of the foods we eat are cooked, canned and microwaved. C, our nutrition is thus deprived of essential enzymes by the time we sit to gobble away. This lack of essential enzymes is to blame for the improper digestion of food and absorption of nutrients.

What are the side effects? Enzymatic Therapy has no side effects. What some people perceive as “side effects” is actually a part of the cleansing process. Symptoms may include acne, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, gas, heartburn, and an increase in bowel movement. To reduce these symptoms, just drink eight to ten glasses of water a day and get regular exercises.

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Who should not consider taking it? Everyone should consider Enzymatic Therapy. However, people with allergies to beef, pineapple and papaya may suffer allergic reactions and should be careful. Although plant enzymes are safe for pregnant women, it is always advisable to check with a doctor in advance.

What will Enzymatic Therapy do for you? It is essential to the general well-being of the body. It helps purify the blood, strengthen the immune system, enhance mental capacity, cleanse the colon, and maintain proper pH balance in the urine. Bottom line: when your digestion process is boosted, your body is better able to combat infections and diseases.

What are people saying about Enzymatic Therapy? It is no longer a secret as hundreds of people continue to embrace and enjoy the goodies offered by Enzymatic Therapy. Most can’t hide their joy and her effusive in their praise.