America’s Annual Plague-Millions of all Americans will catch a cold this past year. The most common infectious disease is the common cold virus and it occurs mostly because we’ve destroyed most of our immune system. The human body has been equipped with the natural defenses against diseases, but the diets we follow have ripped this terrific recovery mechanism to shreds.

La oss begynne

The common cold accounts for more absenteeism from school and the occupation, and many doctors can’t offer much in the means of relief. Bacteria, as some think, aren’t the reason for a cold-colds would be caused by a virus infection, so antibiotics are completely useless. Viruses are more economical than the drug companies. Virus infections are highly contagious, but we do not pick them up by being in the same room as someone that has a cold.

Colds are sent by direct and even indirect contact. You won’t catch a cold if a person next to you sneezes or coughs into his hands. It occurs if you shake that hand or you get a ladle in a buffet after he places it back in the pot of green beans. The virus may lurk on door knobs, computer keyboards, and buttons on the office copier or elevator. The little buggers are everywhere.

Prevention factor

The Best Cure for the Common Cold is Prevention? But this physical contact doesn’t necessarily mean you’re doomed to 2-weeks of a runny nose and hacking cough. If your immune system has not been bombarded with an extremely acidic diet, ingestion of these pesticides sprayed on the fruit and veggies you eat, and the processed, sugar-loaded delicacies and fast foods, then you stand half a chance of preventing this nuisance.

Is Your Immune System Impaired? If you’re like thousands of U.S.

  • Lack of Vitamin D. This important vitamin has one primary organic source-the sunlight. But in some climates that is a problem. And too much sun may result in skin cancer. Supplements are the best alternative.
  • Insufficient sleep. Oh well-that’s something you need to work on.
  • Emotional stress. If that is the case, please do not turn to mind-numbing drugs. Drugs are a prime source of immune system destruction.
  • Following a high carbohydrate diet. Knock off the sugar and the grains, including anything made from processed, enriched (or whatever they’re calling it today ) flour.

Avsluttende merknad

One estimate I’m aware of countries that on average U.S. 2 -4 colds annually. Thank the Lord I’m not average. I’ve just had one in the past 2-3 years (I have to be doing something right). And also many of our kids (grandkids in my case) can average 10 or more common colds each year. So what’s a body to do? I found a reliable trusted source of a pure resource for keeping healthy. I’ve subscribed to a newsletter, and as I mentioned previously, I need to be doing something right. Osteopathic medicine is what I think in. Osteopathic physicians differ from traditional medical practitioners in that they’re not”in the pocket of the big drug companies.” They get the same training as MDs but they get an emphasis in treating disease using natural remedies, not over-priced drugs.