It’s fairy common knowledge that stress creates physical side effects, upset stomach, loss of appetite, sweatiness, dry mouth, etc.. But what most people DON’T see is how damaging chronic stress actually is for you! As an example, did you know that if you’re highly stressed your body won’t heal itself?

La oss se...

If you cut yourself while making dinner at a period of high anxiety and stress that cut would take weeks longer to cure, when in a situation where you weren’t stressed out it could only take days. But that’s merely a side effect of an unrelated accident, what about disorders directly brought on by stress? Well, it’s now commonly held knowledge in the health care field which high levels of chronic stress do actually inhibit the immune system. In other words if there is a bug going around town, you can bet money you will get it!


It induced ailments are almost infinite, in fact almost any type of harm to your body which you can think of can be brought on by stress! With the exception of broken bones, cuts, bruises etc.. I’ve found this info is particularly useful when trying to diagnose and find out why any ailment plagues your own body. Experience with family and friends has taught me that in the event that you are feeling bad, simply unwind. When going through periods of tension and anxiety it’s not unusual for an individual to start losing weight, but do you understand why? It’s because your digestive system is shutting down to the lowest possible condition it can survive on!

Once more, why?

There’s one very large reason for this, as soon as your body enters stress mode it’s also entering a flight or fight reaction manner. Fight or Flight comes from the days when people had to handle survival on a daily basis, it kicked in during life or death situations such as running away from a bear or a tiger! However, this system puts enormous strain on the body, and can cause harm if it’s”on” too often. And as luck would have it the human body isn’t very good at determining what should or should not cause our bodies to enter into “fight or flight.” What this means for you is that even the tiniest apparently harmless stressors (getting stuck in traffic), does precisely the same damage to your body as the pressure from going through a divorce!