The way of treatment is compiled with a respective conception of the human being, the source of this perspective and the sort of understanding health as a dynamic and multidimensional aspect. This simple fact defines if the focus is upon the dysfunction, the issue, or the holistic thought of a human being.


Whether it reflects a idea of activating the inherent self-healing process and between the unity of body, mind and soul or a idea of looking at particular, detached elements of a human being and excluding the self-healing capability as crucial. Based on the humanistic psychology, human beings, as individuals, are unique and must be recognized and handled as such. Humanistic psychology is a value orientation that retains a hopeful, constructive view of human beings and admits their substantial capacity to become self-determining.

The individual possibly possesses unlimited possibilities to understand oneself und to change one’s self-concept, one’s fundamental attitude and one’s self-regulated behaviour. If we agree that there’s a healthy pith in each human being and that there’s the ability for self-healing, we don’t praise a supernatural view.

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In the contrary, we do a basic confession toward how each and every human being has within himself or herself the genuine aspiration for internal growth, the capacity to develop and unfold oneself because the exact own, inherent possible, similarly the perspective of the humanistic psychology. Indigene individuals for example practice since ancient times dance as a healing system. Dance as an expression of this internal condition of life and the activation of the body’s own healing virtue.

Homeopathy applies natural remedies based on the law “cure like treatment” and believes the addition of the psychological, physical and psychological level for recovery. Different sorts of art therapy go past the mental memory admitting the brain will not remember immense psychological pain to protect us. But the painful experience is saved, not just in the unconsciousness. Our body also includes a memory. In actuality, every experience made in the course of our life, negative or positive, is memorized in every somatic cell.


It is the driving force which makes it possible for people in extreme situations to advance and make a meaningful and productive life even though undergoing significant injury. People being all of the sudden faced with a deep incident completely overthrowing their lives rather than seeming able anymore to try to find a fulfillment of the vision, change their apparently disrupted situation from inside into a new fate of wonderful significance for themselves and inspire others. Patients diagnosed with the incurable illness become healthy again where operation and therapy have a limit or are deemed desperate at a specific stage. Various other examples could be added.