Food sensitivities can be a little touchy subject, as food is a huge part of our lives. From ethnic recipes, to parties, to just the simple pleasure of eating food that tastes great. From time to time however, what we rely on to nourish us can actually do us damage. What we would like to provide with this post is that there are a great deal of chronic symptoms you may be experiencing because you’re always eating something your body does not agree with.

Food sensitivity

This is where things get tricky. Unlike food poisoning, food sensitivity symptoms may appear in as few as a few hours after ingesting the culprit food, or as long as long as 3 days later.

  • Chronic bloating: In our experience, a lot of people don’t realize they’re in fact bloated until they no longer are. Bloating can be a very subtle but significant indication your digestive tract is having problems breaking something you’ve eaten. Additionally it is a symptom of inflammation of the cells in your gut.
  • Difficulty losing weight: Food sensitivities make an inflammatory reaction in the body. Inflammation is like static on a radio. Static makes words fuzzy and difficult to hear, dulling communication. Likewise, inflammation generates this exact same sort of “static” on the human body and makes communication from cell to cell, or a single body system to a different, less effective.

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Moreover, you store toxins from your own fat as a protective mechanism. When you drop weight, these toxins are released from the fat cells for removal. If your body is already overwhelmed and dizzy, the last thing that your system needs would be to add more fuel to the flame. This can make dieting sense very frustrating and incredibly ineffective.

  • Hormone imbalances: Everything from acne to menstrual irregularity can be affected by food sensitivities. When your body is under chronic stress and combating inflammation, you have a tendency to overproduce cortisol (and this isn’t accounting for all the other stresses in your life). Cortisol uses a whole lot of the very same precursors that produce other essential hormones in the body. So, as soon as your body is consuming all of these precursors for cortisol, your other hormones take a back seat in creation. Fatigue and energy crashes: Chronically eating foods you’re sensitive to sets off an immune system reaction. This chronic immune stimulation is quite tiring for your adrenal glands and takes up plenty of energy you wouldn’t be otherwise expending. This may also promote swings in blood glucose, creating more stress and inflammation.
  • Food cravings and overeating: Foods you’re allergic to cause your body stress. Stress, exercise and pain all stimulate the body to release endorphins. Endorphins are “feel good” hormones. This contributes to cravings and consumption of those foods so as to generate more of those”feel good” hormones. You’re chronically sick: You catch every virus or germs that comes your way, however big or small! If you’re beginning to see a pattern here; you guessed it! Food sensitivities stimulate the immune system. This makes an overwhelming load to your immune system and leaves you more vulnerable to everyday ailments such as colds and flu.
  • You’ve got chronic IBS symptoms: Inflammation causes swelling of the cells in your gut wall. This affects your body’s ability to digest your food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste. There are other variables such as candida and bacterial overgrowth, and parasites which could increase the mix. Eliminating foods you’re sensitive to is a excellent way to do this under control! How Can I Fix This? So, how can you know which food is causing your symptoms? An elimination diet may be a excellent start.
  • Most elimination diets have you eliminate the most common foods associated with food sensitivities: corn, gluten, soy, eggs, milk, and sugar. After about two weeks to a month of removing these foods you may re-introduce every food one at a time. After eating the re-introduced meals for a day, remove for another 3 days, to determine if any of the old symptoms return. What if I’m too impatient for an elimination diet, also it does not fix my symptoms? You will find great food sensitivity tests which could be run for not just sensitivities, but also any foods which may be cross-reactive with one another. Chances are good there might also be a concurrent infection in the machine (parasite, candida, bacterial overgrowth) or even lifestyle factors, that could be contributing to the situation. For this sort of testing we recommend seeking help from a specialist.