It’s important to get the reasons why a person develops cancer since the sole way to overcome it is to address these motives and that will enable the body to get rid of it. Unfortunately our orthodox medical system concentrates on the concept that cancer is caused by a foreign invader and considers it has to be removed at any price tag.

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If this was true then operation would ordinarily solve the issue and most of us know that surgery is often of little help. There are two other theories as to why cancer seems that are recognized by a lot of people and have a whole lot of merit. They’re, the body is deficient in oxygen and additionally, the body’s immune system isn’t functioning properly. It’s well known that cancer will happen whenever a normal body cell is denied 60 percent of its oxygen requirement and that cancer can’t survive in an oxygenated environment.

We also understand that our immune system when it is functioning correctly is our built in repair system and is supposed to discover rogue cells, and eliminate them. There’s absolutely no mystery to the modern disease of cancer. It’s just the way we’re now living with our over processed foods, our sedentary lifestyle and the many toxic products we currently use.

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Also it’s important to understand that a cancer growth anywhere in the body is just a symptom. In other words, it is a sign from the body that something is wrong and the only way to overcome it is to undo the reasons why it appeared. Doesn’t that make sense? What a person with cancer has to do is to make sure it spreads to another area because it is metastasize cancer or cancer that is shifted to a different area of the body which kills people.

It’s vital to make these changes that will strengthen the immune system and that will produce the body inhospitable to these foreign growths. To reverse the condition which caused these growths to appear you want to take care of the causes and our meals we now eat is the major one. Today we’re consuming a diet of processed foods and the quality of the food has deteriorated as a result of the way it has been processed and processed.

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A wholesome diet of fresh food is intended to improve nutrition, which will strengthen the immune system, allowing the body to heal. Cancer can’t live in the presence of oxygen and a individual can become deficient in oxygen from several ways. Long term exposure to air pollution such as tobacco smoke or industrial emissions, food that has been processed or more cooked, and another obvious contributing factor is that our lack of exercise. The simplest way to introduce oxygen to your system is to get some exercise daily.

You do not have to run a marathon; a fantastic walk or a workout in a gym is fine. We’re surrounded by toxic products now days and we unwittingly use lots of them on our own bodies in the kind of personal care products and think they are safe to use. Some of the compounds within these products are quickly absorbed into our blood because our skin isn’t a barrier but a permeable layer that absorbs anything that is applied to it.


There’s a statement that says if you can not eat it, do not put it on your skin. Cancer isn’t caused by something beyond our control. It’s our unnatural lifestyle with our more than processed foods that’s creating the massive problem we now have. It’s a battle that can be won but not by treating the cancer; it is by treating the individual with the cancer.