Deep personal transformation through Reiki extends far beyond recovery individual human beings. The best sources of recovery come from both inside ourselves and from the world around us. We’ve got a duty not only to our personal health and transformation, but to the health and development of our planet. This Report embraces Nature for Healing in Addition to Healing for Nature.

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Can Naturopathy cure diabetes? Can it heal cancer? High blood pressure? We often hear these questions from participants in our holistic Reiki wellness classes. The phrasing of these questions shows the embedded ideological power of allopathic Western medicine. That is, lots of people wait for sickness and then go to a physician to look for a cure. This strategy is insane! Yet, the huge majority of people waits for sickness instead of actively implement preventative and empowering medical care practices.

Further, this ideology motivates the purchasing of health insurance as though some huge company may actually “insure” your wellbeing. The major thing that an insurance carrier aims to insure is they make outstanding profits every year. Does insurance make you feel more secure? Is it possible that people neglect their physical wellbeing based on the illusion that health insurance protects them? Is purchasing insurance really an investment in the prophecy which you’re going to get sick?

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Does dependence on insurance for a feeling of security really undermine your own personal empowerment? The practice of Naturopathy circumvents the majority of these concerns by creating a powerful synergy between you and nature. Vaccines are another kind of so-called insurance against illness. While history shows that some vaccines have heralded amazing health benefits, this doesn’t imply that all vaccines are safe or necessary; rather the contrary.

Manufacturers of vaccines are most assuredly seeking record breaking profits in the years to come. Do they have a vested interest in the pandemic spread of disease because that means incredible demand for their medication? For those who have any doubts about the profit motive, find out more about the advertising projections for the next decade of corporations that produce vaccines. Consider the schedule of the World Vaccine Congress where business leaders discuss how to profit from the spread of illness.

They go so far as discussing “blockbuster vaccines” in their advertising lingo. You’ll see they’re perched like vultures predicting another pandemic. This is the way the”health-care” business functions. Naturopathy takes a radically different approach to immunity. By putting your faith in government and its own regulations, insurance companies and their claims adjusters or vaccine producers and their profit motive, are you abandoning and betraying your own personal responsibility for optimizing your state of health? The only authentic insurance which you may set for your own health is a program devoted to nourishment, strong immunity and pro-active clinics in each dimension of health.


True immunity implies cleanliness and strength of your whole being, not just some cool chemicals brewed with mercury and jabbed into your buttocks to apparently protect you. Vaccines may assuage your fears and lull you into a false sense of security. They may disempower you from truly managing your own healthcare program. More seriously, some vaccines are implicated in the cause of disease rather than the prevention of disorder.

Naturopathy, like Reiki, aims to enable you to strengthen and heal yourself naturally. Naturopathy might not be able to cure every ailment, but proponents explain that most assuredly it may stop virtually every disease. Prevention is the most important point of Naturopathy.

Naturopathy isn’t merely a cure, it is a lifestyle. Naturopathy does not provide a standard cure for every single person. Rather, it provides a program designed to meet the special needs of every individual at every stage of life. Nature isn’t standardized any more than people are standardized. Healing with Naturopathy, as with Reiki, has to be individualized based on person, location and state of health. The most insightful concept that I’ve learned from Naturopathy concerns the terrific misconception of disease in contemporary society.

What’s the misconception?

Allopathic Western medical practice normally considers colds, runny noses, flues, coughs, nausea and menopause as diseases. In actuality, these are the body’s natural means of cleansing. Sneezing, coughing, sweating and bleeding are all perfectly normal steps of detox the body handles alone. Typically, these procedures operate just fine without outside intervention. Belief that these conditions are “ailments” justifies chemical intervention to suppress a cough, stop a runny nose or diarrhea. This belief deceives virtually everybody I know.

While certainly there are instances when pharmaceuticals can be quite helpful, oftentimes, they interfere with the body’s natural system of cleaning. The secret is to be well enough educated and wise enough to know when to let nature do its duty and when to trust a compound to aid your healing. When pharmaceutical radicals accumulate in the body, they contribute to exceptionally dangerous conditions including kidney and liver failure.

Did you understand that? Just examine the fine print on the labels or study online and you will see a dandy list of life threatening conditions which are promulgated by the ingestion of prescribed pharmaceuticals. Nature, on the other hand, poses no harmful side effects. Along with a ordinary system of detox, our Naturopath buddy Dr. Jacob from Kerala in southern India urges”extra-ordinary” steps of detoxification. These processes include using a neti pot to wash the nose and sinuses, eye wash, lemon juice gargle, water enema, fruit fasting and juice fasting.

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All these processes detoxify the body more intensely than the normal day to day cleansing programs of their body. It’s somewhat ironic that as I explain more “innovative” methods of healing and personal transformation, the suggestions become more and more basic; namely, water, food, internal breathing and hygiene. This is a somewhat radical approach that penetrates into the very roots of human existence in its most elemental forms. This approach might even seem diametrically opposed to “improvements” in contemporary medicine which have super compound brews and high tech laser surgeries. Dr. Jacob explains that all diseases are caused by the accumulation of morbid and poisonous matter in the human body.

He explains that the source of disease isn’t bacteria as promised by Western allopathic physicians; instead, bacteria grow following the accumulation of poisonous matter that creates a favorable environment for their breeding. In this view, acute diseases represent the body’s attempts to cleanse itself and eliminate the toxins. Therefore, the body ought to be encouraged in this natural process and encouraged through extra-ordinary cleansing techniques as opposed to using drugs to suppress the symptoms. The human body, like all creatures, has internal mechanisms for self-healing that are best stimulated by natural means. Food, properly used, is medication. Similarly, fasting is a powerful treatment that cleanses the body and lightens the heart at exactly the exact same time.