As a Body Stress Release (BSR) practitioner I like to make my customers aware of the easy things they can do to enhance and maintain their health, besides having routine BSR sessions. Most folks adhere to the information I give them, but for a minority it seems difficult to be and remain persistent and consistent.

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Both appear to have problems, however, in regards to public holidays and important party of any sorts. Recognise these feelings: your stomach is somewhat complete; not briefly, but constantly. It juts out, feels bloated. You’ve got extra love handles, the scales have to be incorrect, your skin is dried out, your head feels like a wad of cotton, and your energy levels are under the zero-line.

Probable cause: having had too good a time with all kinds of fluids and foods, together with late nights and little exercise. Don’t worry when this is you precisely; there is a way out, and it does not have to take long. I’ll give you a couple tips that can aid you feeling better again in a brief period. First and very easy: don’t change much, just eat and drink less. As an example, if you’re used to 2 glasses of wine daily, now only have you. If you normally eat four sandwiches, now only have two or three.

Houd in gedachten

There’s amazing power in this kind of minimalising; it feels as if you’re doing the exact same thing as always, but your body was given time to rest and digest, thus reducing the strain in your digestive system. No, not alcohol, but water. The most effective cleanser, hydrator and transporter of waste products out there. Roughly two litres of water is sufficient for an average person in average conditions, but if you’re out in the heat working hard, you might need 2-4 times as much! If water does not rock your boat, then try green tea.

Green tea is thought to have many good properties to excite your health (lowering blood pressure, boosting your immune system, containing anti-oxidants, etc). I thoroughly advise anyone to continue drinking itafter your cleanup has ended, although in moderation, as it retains caffeine. Try to keep away from having too much regular tea and coffee. Although I find them not as bad as some folks attempt to make us think (I go by the principle of “everything in moderation”), tea and coffee do dehydrate.

A tea or coffee in the morning is a brilliant way to receive your bowels going, however, so 1 cup is fine by me! There are a number of reports that the population is lacking in fiber intake. This implies that in the vast majority of us there’s a risk that toxins living in our intestines become absorbed back into our system rather than being excreted with our feces.


Fiber has the potential of binding toxins in our intestines, and of speeding the bowel motion up. That will surely help your system to de-stress, and to allow it to eliminate what it needs to eliminate. My recipe for the past few years: 2 teaspoons of psyllium husk in my morning muesli, which works a treat! These options work well also: eat breakfast cereals that contain barley, wheat or oats; change to wholemeal or multigrain breads and brown riceand if you would like to bite, do it on (dried) fruits, nuts or wholemeal crackers. And if you are still not sure, go and visit a nutritionist!


Among the most significant sections of re-energising and remaining energised is sleep. Our bodies crave for 7-9 sleep daily in a fairly consistent pattern. I assume you’ve been aware once or two of how you begin to feel when you miss out on a few good nights’ sleep. There are those who claim they can do with 3 to 4 hours and yes, that’s possible, but still an exception. Just let your energy levels be your guide; you’ll know without a doubt if you can perform with less than average (or perhaps even want more!).

The sleeping state is utilized by the body to repair, replenish and re-energise, and is a significant period of eliminating accumulated”body stress” from the system. When we deprive our bodies out of this valuable time, the long-term consequences will be self-evident. There are even people who claim that without sleeping, we could die faster than we would without meals! For a change, go to bed earlier than you normally would, and keep that up for about a couple of weeks.

You will find the difference for sure. After indulging in all the “too good” stuff for a time period, your body is longing for something more healthy. If you wish to wash yourself thoroughly, it’s a good idea to limit yourself for a time period to eating foods that improve the cleaning-up. Veggies such as Brussels sprouts, beets, carrots, spinach, cabbage and cabbage assist the liver in cleaning itself, as do brightly colored fruits (they assist eradicating free radicals in your body).

Moreover, these fruits and veggies are high in fibre, which helps the digestive tract. Any excess fruit and veg intake for around two weeks will help your body tremendously, so throw yourself on preparing salads (fruit or veg), and snacking on veggie pieces (purchase a dip for them if you can’t stand it differently ).


It is of extreme significance, whether you’ve been overeating and overdrinking or not. We’ve become primarily sedentary in the 21st century, but our bodies aren’t liking that much. Exercise is a superb method of distributing your body, getting new oxygen to all of the parts which have been becoming a bit too small. Your memory will improve with exercise, actually all of your brain acts will benefit. And after having had parties or parties, exercise is fantastic to clean your body from waste products and toxins which may still reside on your system.

Your lymphatic system can do its work more correctly, which is an important detoxifier. By exercising you also excite what I call”the sacral pump”. Moving around means you’re moving your sacrum also, which stimulates the flow of cerebro-spinal fluid on your spinal cord and around your mind, which has positive effects on your health.

Goed om te weten.

How much exercise is essential? Well, that depends on each individual person, but 30-60 minutes every day of some kind of exercise should be the mark, I feel. You don’t need to exaggerate it; brisk walking can be great enough. In “the old days” people did not run or run all that often; just when they were searching or attempting to outrun a sabre-toothed tiger! Some resistance training or aerobic exercise a couple of times per week will be quite beneficial, but I’m under the belief that we make it too big a deal today. Just do what feels good, but be honest with yourself!

In both my BSR and Coaching practises I assert that having a serene and relaxed mindset is of utmost importance. When you’re at ease mentally, it’s far easier to be at ease physically also. I wrote in a previous article that how we think about our own bodies and health determines how and what our feelings are all about them. The more positive your ideas, the greater your emotions and the better your health. It all has to do with the Law of Attraction, loosely translating into “what you focus on is what you get”.


Although you need to be thinking and feeling great about your body and health all the time, there are extra benefits when you do this knowingly following a period of indulging. Set yourself a health goal for a few weeks, and continue with it. Maybe get some help from a personal trainer or life coach. Moreover, meditate regularly -at least 20 minutes daily, and if you do not like this, take some time only for yourself en just “be”.

Don’t do anything particularly, just think “healthy” thoughts. You’ll be surprised by the positive impact on your overall health a more positive way of thinking and feeling is going to have. Generally speaking, but especially after a lot of the great, it’s a good idea to enjoy some body function. Have a massage, do a sauna detox, have a few BSR sessions, etc.. You will assist your re-balancing greatly. The more un-stressed your body is, the easier it will bring itself into equilibrium, and remain that way. Coming from my own standpoint, a few BSR sessions will allow your body to heal from the”bad things” in no time.

When the brain and the nervous system are communicating correctly, your body is capable and able to look after itself, and you’ll be up to scratch before you know it. Our body process is quite forgiving. It cuts us lots of slack and enables us to abuse it every now and then without punishing us for it. On the other hand, our bodies ARE our primary vehicle within this experience, so we would like to treat them nicely. This means that routine maintenance is necessary, and following a period of abuse a little extra care won’t go wasted. We seem to expect that our bodies just keep going, no matter what we do together, but it does not work this way, actually. We our bodies- DO need attention. The great news is, this doesn’t need to be a massive issue. A few steps in the right direction, and we are on our way back to the right path.