For many men, particularly those with lighter skin, a red penis isn’t an unusual sight. After all, when blood rushes into the penis to make it vertical, it has a tendency to have a reddish hue. But occasionally a reddish penis can be a indication of a potential penis health problem, especially if that redness presents as blotches or migraines.

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There may be many contributing factors to such a scenario; among the (thankfully) more odd one is a state called Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Also called purpura rheumatic and anaphylactoid purpura, Henoch-Schonlein purpura is a disease that affects the skin and the mucous membranes, and occasionally can affect other organs, like the kidneys.

Although it is most frequently seen in children, it may occur in people of any age, such as full-grown men. The expression “purpura” refers to reddish or purplish spots that appear on the skin and that do not “blanch” (or turn white) when pressed. Purpura appears if there’s a bleeding beneath the skin, which might be the consequence of a issue with platelets, coagulation, blood vessels or other elements.

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In Henoch-Schonlein purpura, the situation involves the small blood vessels in the skin and joints, and may also involve those from the kidneys and the intestines. The purpura rash appears on the lower half of the body – the legs, buttocks (and in men ) scrotum and penis. Sometimes the spots appear in each these places; occasionally they could be localized primarily in 1 place (including the penis).

Exactly what causes this sort of purpura is unknown, even though the inflammation does appear to come about from the immune system using a response to a cause. Some common triggers include a cough or cold; strep throat; measles; insect bites; and allergic reactions to foods or medications. Sometimes, exposure to cold weather appears to be a cause.

In addition to the visible and obvious rash, Henoch-Schonlein purpura is often accompanied by swelling or pain in the joints. Often nausea or other psychiatric problems may grow. If the situation is severe, there may be kidney problems also, such as blood appearing in the urine.

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Doctors typically take blood and urine samples so as to diagnose the condition; in some instances, they might need to have a small skin sample to search for an antibody typically found with this disease. Most cases of this kind of purpura resolve by themselves in a month or so, with good rest and use of routine pain relievers.

However, if a person finds this red penis debatable, or if the problem is severe, a physician may recommend the use of corticosteroids; but most physicians prefer to use a “wait and see” strategy first. Some men report that this sort of purpura can make their manhood feel tender; others report no complaints. For those in the former group, it could be required to refrain from sexual activity until the inflammation has been cared for. When Henoch-Schonlein purpura is liable for a guy’s blotchy red penis, he might worry about his general penis health.


Fortunately, daily use of a superior penis health creme is a really good way to help maintain proper manhood maintenance. Much like the body as a whole, the manhood benefits from therapy with vitamins, therefore it’s crucial to choose a crème with a fantastic selection, like vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E. Penis skin also has to be kept strong, so a crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid is essential. This antioxidant helps keep down excessive free radicals and thus protects the delicate penis skin from oxidative stress.