Nearly 66,5 percent of all adults in the USA are overweight, and 30.5 percent are obese. Overweight refers to an excess of body weight compared to set standards. The excess weight may come from muscle, bone, fat, or body water. Many men and women that are overweight are also obese. Obesity is a term for excess body fat.

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Food is composed of calories, or components of energy. Physical activity and normal body metabolism burn calories. When someone takes in more calories than the body uses, the additional calories are stored as fat. These fat cells expand or decrease in size depending on the balance of energy within the body. When fat cells build up or accumulate, it triggers obesity. There are two main possible ways of inducing a reduction in body fat.

One is by reducing food intake or food absorption and the other is by enhancing energy expenditure. Thermogenesis is a term referring to the body’s production of heat. Heat production is a normal part of the metabolic procedure.

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Nutritional substances can also stimulate thermogenesis. Thermogenesis, when not simply needed for routine food digestion and metabolism, is both a source of heat and when stimulated through appropriate dietary supplementation, a mechanism to increase metabolic rate. Fuel for this increased metabolic rate can be provided by stored body fat. The ingredients in Yerba Slim assist in the thermogenic processes allowing you to naturally and safely burn fat and loose unwanted weight. Before fat can be burned it must be broken down into small particles to free fatty acids and glycerol. This process is called Lipolysis.

Yerba mate

Hormones like cathecolamines and chemical compounds like xanthines found in the Yerba Slim formula have lipolytic activity. These ingredients aid in lipolysis allowing your body to breakdown fat and turn it into energy. Daniel Mowrey, Ph.D. states that Yerba Mate, a main ingredient in Yerba Slim , possesses the best combination of xanthine properties possible. Yerba Mate is an evergreen tree growing wild in South America. It’s used as a stimulant for weight loss and as an appetite suppressant. It’s also known for increasing energy and improving digestive systems.

It’s been used by Native Americans since ancient times in a tea form as a daily stimulant. Its traditional uses were to aid against fatigue, nervous depression and pain. The herb is currently being used in the United States as stimulant for the central nervous system and as a nutritional supplement. Daniel Mowrey, Ph.D. calls Mate “An invigorator of the mind and body, a natural source of nourishment, and a health promoter.”

He also states that Mate is used to “boost immunity, retard aging, combat fatigue and control the appetite.” Yerba Mate has the ability to increase mental alertness and acuity and to do it without any side effects resulting in more energy and vitality. Yerba Mate has become a favorite of body builders and anyone interested in the health benefits of exercise. The metabolic effects of Mate include the ability to maintain aerobic glycolysis (breakdown of carbohydrates) during exercise . This results in burning more calories and losing weight. Additionally, it eliminates the sensation of hunger meaning you eat less and lose more weight.

  • Green Tea – utilized as a social and medicinal beverage. It’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce pain, improve immunity, and as an energizer to prolong life. Green Tea has been used in connection with weight loss and immune function. It has also been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
  • Guarana – an evergreen vind native to the Amazon basin. Guarana has been used in connection with athletic performance, fatigue, weight loss and obesity. The indigenous people of the Amazon used Guarana to decrease fatigue as well as to decrease hunger. It’s also know to stimulate the central nervous system and increase metabolic rate.
  • White Willow – it grows primarily in central and southern Europe and contains the parent compound from which aspirin was made. It’s traditionally used as a pain medication.
  • Cayenne – it’s traditionally been used as medicine for centuries. It has shown reductions in appetite in a double trial, studying the effects on appetite and energy intake. It has also been proven to increase metabolism of dietary fats. These trials suggest that Cayenne may help in treating obesity. The favorable effects of the ingredients at the Yerba Slim formulation have been clinically studied and proven to help with weightloss and appetite control.


Overweight and obesity are known as risk factors for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and other breathing problems, some forms of cancer (uterine, breast, colorectal, kidney, and gallbladder). Obesity is also associated with: high blood cholesterol, complications of pregnancy, menstrual irregularities, hirsutism (presence of excess body and facial hair), stress incontinence (urine leakage caused by weak pelvic-floor muscles), psychological disorders such as depression, increased surgical risk.