Food intolerance was known as’food allergies’ but there is a major difference between a true food allergy, like the infamous peanut allergy, which can kill almost immediately, and an intolerance to, by way of instance, gluten resulting in longer term issues if undiagnosed or disregarded, such as bowel cancer. Food intolerance isn’t the same as food allergy.


Even today, many medical authorities, who really ought to know better, deny the presence of food intolerance, pointing out what we already know: that these kinds of problem do not appear in blood tests. The cause of this is that there’s often no involvement with the immune system. There may be an inability to digest the food in question – maybe because an enzyme isn’t being produced by the body – or another difficulty.

Despite the fact that certain conditions are most frequently due to an intolerance to one or two specific foods, the exact symptoms could be caused by different triggers in various patients. This is because different individuals are intolerant of different foods, and the identical set of symptoms could be due to a very different food from 1 individual to the next. For instance, since the mechanism behind gluten free and dairy intolerance is becoming more known, some clues are coming to light.

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For instance, both gluten (the protein in certain grains) and casein (one of the proteins in milk) break down in many phases, turning into a compound very similar to opium on the way. In some individuals, digestion doesn’t continue past this phase, and this may cause a massive assortment of different issues, as you might imagine. It’s perfectly feasible to have an intolerance to something as common as wheat for a long time without realizing it. In a 3-year study at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK, 60% of patients were found to be intolerant of wheat!

In actuality, you may be allergic to wheat, dairy products or any other significant portion of your diet. The only reliable method to check for such a food sensitivity is by way of an exclusion diet (see”How to discover if you’re food intolerant” farther down). Other health effects may occur that aren’t listed. And, of course, intolerance to a food that’s eaten regularly may also lead to an present condition to worsen. Food intolerance isn’t the same as food allergy (as mentioned previously ). Classic allergy tests do not work since they’re testing for the wrong thing.

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Only one reliable method exists: an exclusion diet. As stated already, in many instances, the condition that’s suspected of being due to food intolerance is so serious that this should only be undertaken under medical supervision. Even in the event that you think that you don’t wish to go the whole hog with a complete exclusion diet, then you can try excluding certain foods that you believe may be the culprits.

The two most common “problem foods” are gluten (found in wheat, rye, barley and some other closely related grains such as spelt) and casein (found in just about all dairy products). Try cutting one or both of them out for many weeks, and if your symptoms recede, introduce among them back for a trial meal (perhaps a bowl of pasta or a milkshake). If your symptoms return, you have found it, and if not, try another one.

If gluten or dairy products turns out to be the food that’s causing you problems, you can either opt for the complete exception and gradual reintroduction routine or start keeping a food and symptom diary to determine if you’re able to catch a problem like that. Food is not necessarily the culprit, by any means, but it often is. Trying these methods can allow you to learn.