When most people think of the immune system, we think of white blood cells rushing to fight off germs and germs, and that’s where it ends. These are our body’s soldiers, that are in a constant state of readiness to do battle at the first discovery of a disease. However, we don’t know the main part of our immune system, which is our digestive system or Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract.


Many of you would inquire; why is the GI tract so important for our health? Well, probably because it is the organ that is responsible for digestion and absorption of nutrients. In reality, with this organ, our bodies could be starved of carbohydrates, protein and other essential minerals and nutrients. We would simply die without it. However, our GI tracts don’t digest the food, they’re also responsible for ridding the body of toxins, and to be able to do this effectively, the GI tract needs to be preserved and kept in balance.

Did you know that the intestine of the average person includes billions of bacteria, yeasts and parasites? For a healthy individual, the huge majority of these bacteria are really valuable and essential to our wellbeing while a small minority could be considered dangerous. These beneficial bacteria fight off the harmful bacteria and make sure they’re kept to minimal levels. This is the reason we get diarrhea on regular occasions. When we ingest toxins or elevated levels of bacteria that are bad, the bacteria that are good kicks into action.

Gerosios bakterijos

They attack the bad germs (until the body can absorb them) and flush them out the machine. They do this repeatedly until the amounts of bad bacteria are low enough that it poses no harm to the body. They can also perform additional functions, such as synthesize vitamins, including B12, biotin and vitamin K. Another vital function for these beneficial bacteria is boosting the immune system by generating short-chain fatty acids that are crucial for the health of the colon and in preventing colon cancer.

Our GI tracts can only carry out these functions efficiently when we keep them healthy, preserved and in equilibrium. However, the idea never enters our mind because of the fact that we’re very busy dealing with deadlines, meeting challenges and essentially just surviving life. In this case, ignorance isn’t bliss. By not taking care of our GI tracts, we’re placing ourselves in increased risks of chronic disease such as irritable bowel syndrome, serious illness like Crohn’s disease and even cancers. Chronic skin condition like psoriasis, eczema and hives may also be connected to a GI tract that’s unhealthy.


The more info we have on the workings of the gastrointestinal tract, the better choices we are going to have the ability to earn on the food that we eat and anything else which we choose to put into our bodies. There are a variety of books on the topic. However, it’s necessary that the writer is qualified in the area of immunity, the functions of the digestive tract.