This helps to rid the body of toxins while rebalancing its pH level, to be able to counteract the negative effects of an overly acidic diet. Modern diets are normally based around acid-producing foods that imbalance the natural pH of the body, making us feel lethargic and unwell. By switching to alkaline-producing foods, such as green leafy vegetables, you can help restore this natural balance.

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In addition to making you feel fitter, this will encourage your body to release excess fat – so those unwanted pounds will fall off! Did you know around half of all Americans have parasites living within their gut? When the delicate balance of your inner germs is upset, parasites possess a rich breeding ground in which to flourish – inducing a selection of digestive problems, fatigue and other ailments. A Parasite Cleanse uses healthy fasting to get rid of the grains and sugars that promote the development of parasites, while fostering the ‘good bacteria’ in your gut.

It’s believed that roughly half of middle-aged Americans might have ‘fatty liver disease’, a condition often caused by excessive alcohol, poor diet or exposure to toxins. The herbal supplement Milk Thistle has been used as a liver detoxifier for centuries, due to its natural active ingredient silymarin. Usually taken in capsule form, milk thistle may also help to reduce cholesterol. All of us know we should be drinking caffeine, alcohol and soda.

Dandelion Tea

Drinking dandelion tea will help to decrease bloating, purify the blood and naturally detoxify the liver. It can also assist with weight loss, and is an fantastic low-calorie, caffeine-free alternative to coffee. The typical American consumes around 50% more salt than the recommended daily intake. Too much salt raises your risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and strokes. Reducing the amount you add to foods is not sufficient, as approximately three-quarters of our salt intake comes from products like bread, convenience foods and store-bought sauces.

Switch to low-sodium choices where possible, and use black pepper and spices for extra flavor. We’ve heard it before, but drinking a lot of pure water is important to any successful detox program. Ideally, you should aim to consume around 2 liters of water daily. Not only can this help to keep your skin and body hydrated, it will also flush those toxins through your system. Quit that smoking habit and your body will begin to reap the benefits in only 20 minutes. There’s nothing sexy about stale cigarette breath or nicotine-stained fingers.

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Giving up smoking is the single best way to detox your life immediately. Garlic is a natural detoxifier, which helps to eliminate the accumulation of heavy metals in the body. Eating a clove of raw garlic daily will also help strengthen your immune system, lower blood pressure and remove nasty free radicals. Do you realize that stress may result in excess weight gain? When the body is stressed it creates cortisol, called the’stress hormone’.

In addition to lowering your immunity against infections, increased levels of cortisol also encourages your body to store additional fat. Making time for relaxation is critical to curb daily tension and limit its physical influence on your body. While comfort is certainly important, we should all aim to integrate around thirty minutes of physical activity into our everyday routine. This doesn’t have to involve a treadmill or a gym membership – brisk walking, dancing and even housework all count toward your daily exercise. In addition to shaking off those excess pounds, this will improve your circulation and make your skin glowing with healthy radiance!