Have you been searching for remedies for cold sores? Tried several distinct types with limited or no success? Or perhaps it did work, but the product that you used had some nasty side effects? What we’ll discuss here isn’t a miracle cure, but instead a powerful natural solution which may help you treat and prevent present and potential cold sores from erupting!

What are cold sores?

Cold sores are an eruption as a result of flaring of the HSV1 (Human Simplex Virus) or sometimes the HSV2 (But HSV2 is more prevalent in genital infections). These eruptions occur at times when the immune system is weakened. This is where most therapies go awry. Over the counter pharmaceutical remedies or even prescription remedies, care for the outbreak, not the first cause. HSV1 is incurable.

Once you’ve got it, it is for life. But many people’s immune system can effectively combat off it thereby preventing outbreaks altogether. That’s as close as we will get to having cures for cold sores. At this time you ask yourself “How can that help me?” A whole lot of support groups and sites will just tell you to get loads of rest, apply sunscreen, avoid stressful situations, etc.. These tips are great when all of us lived in a perfect world, where our jobs were not stressful, and at which 24 hours in a day was plenty and to get things done you did not need to reduce sleep!


These are excellent tips, but aren’t always practical and applicable to our unique lives. Luckily we can address our immune problem another way and stop outbreaks! By naturally boosting your immune system, you may effectively stop the HSV1 virus from flaring up. Not all supplements are created equal, so be certain to not rely on the quality and quantity of supplements. Recent research has found that regular supplements aren’t absorbed into the lower intestine, but instead crystallize and block the absorption of natural antioxidants, exposing your body to more free radicals than if you hadn’t taken the supplements in the first location.

The latest studies suggest that an oligofructose compounding of your nutritional supplements will increase the absorption and potency of supplements. If unsure of what to purchase, locate a trusted herbalist for all natural supplements.

What about treating the cold sore eruption? Tea tree oil is a natural broad spectrum antibacterial. This essential oil, based on the melaleuca alternifolia tree, can penetrate deep beneath the skins surface then deliver its curative power directly at the source of the outbreak. What this means to you is that if you have the ability to detect when you’ve got a cold sore coming on, you can immediately start treatment by employing pure tea tree oil with a cotton swab directly to the suspected area.

If done fast enough and frequently enough (several times a day) you can reasonably expect to either prevent the outbreak or tremendously shorten the recovery time. So essentially this two tiered approach will, heal an outbreak and prevent future ones.