The common cold is a mild viral disease of the upper respiratory tract. Most kids average 4 – 8 chilly annually. There are over 200 viruses that are capable of causing the common cold. A cold is a disorder which may be considered priming the young and immature immune system and several children suffer migraines in the first couple of month after beginning kindergarten and facing viruses which are new for their own system.


Colds can be a manifestation of a temporary dip in resistance that’s most often brought on by insufficient rest. Too many rich foods, stress or exposure to cold and damp conditions may also precipitate a chilly by lowering resistance. The so-called “old wives’ tale” that individuals can catch a cold by getting wet and cold in the rain is intriguing. Scientific medicine ridiculed this proposal once the responsible viruses which cause colds were identified. That really reflected the terrific arrogance of medication in its belief that science at the hands of physicians would eradicate disease.

We’re still waiting! I regularly hear people ridicule the idea of a connection between becoming cold and catching colds. The reality is that both are right. Medical scientists would have us think that viruses are well known and understood. That is not so. Although what has been learned amounts to a significant body of knowledge, we actually still know very little about viruses. We do know that some of them cause the usual colds most of us have experienced and it’s presumed that no other causes exist. Even if this assumption is valid, we know that the causative viruses do not necessarily cause a cold in most people exposed to them.

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So why do some get sick, but others don’t? The solution stems from epidemiology, the science which studies the patterns of health and disease in entire populations, instead of just in individuals. We discover that any and all illness happens with specific sets of conditions which may be described as a member of the host, agent and environment. Before anyone catches, or more accurately comes down with, a chilly, there needs to be a suitable alignment of factors.

The host is the individual, the representative is the virus and the environment is where and how they meet. So lets look at a kid and the common cold. If the kid (server ) has strong immunity with a fantastic immune system and the agent (virus) is weak and the environment does not undermine the host or add power to the broker, then odds are great that the child will stay well, or maybe have just a very short and mild cold.


How could the surroundings possibly change this? Well, let us state the physical environment is harsh (perhaps cold and moist ), this may lower immunity, rendering a diminished host who’s far more likely to grab the cold or to get a worse cold. How could it alter the broker? Possibly by providing a social environment of overcrowding, which might be a much better living incubator, allowing the virus to quickly become more virulent (more powerful ). It turns out that neither the old wives the young physicians were onto the complete story.

So if you have listened to your mom when she said do not go out and get cold and moist or you’d catch a cold? Yes indeed, for although there was no guarantee that it would lead to a cold, it might decrease immunity and if appropriate viruses were around, could greatly increase the potential of becoming sick. The moral of the story is, listen to your mom! The symptoms associated with colds are, of course, well known.


What can you do about sleeplessness? There are a variety of things which you can do to avoid the growth of colds, ease the discomfort of colds, help the child’s body to deal with the disease and also to strengthen the child’s immune system so that fighting other infections is improved. Rest and comfort for your child so that their energy is used for combating the infection. Plenty of fresh air. Breathing fresh air is essential for the health of the respiratory system.

The atmosphere should not be cold but is important to prevent overheated and stuffy rooms. Avoid medications that dry the mucus or suppress the cough. It’s significantly better for the body to have the ability to publish the mucus.


Restrict foods that don’t support the immune system and are congesting. Vitamin C with bioflavonoid – pick a low acid, sugar free form and provide tiny doses repeated during the day. Chamomile, lemon balm and catnip are most commonly used with children since they are the gentlest remedies plus they reduce tension within the body, relieve headaches, stomach upsets and restlessness. Additionally they’re pleasant tasting and can be drunk freely. They can be drunk alone or in combination.

Echinacea tincture given every 2 hours will help fortify immunity and remove the infection. The dose is 1 drop per 2 pounds (1 kg) of body weight for severe colds and one drop per 5 ponds (1 1/4 kg) of body weight for milder colds. Thyme tea is excellent because of its antimicrobial activity. It may be used during the illness and for many days later to prevent a recurrent or other illnesses. Prepare it putting 1 teaspoon of dried thyme (or 2 tsp if fresh thyme is used) in a cup of boiling water and let it stand for 15 minutes. Strain and sweeten it slightly with honey. This ought to be drunk 2-3 times every day.

Children health

For older kids with sore and inflamed throats a gargle of sage and chamomile can help. Place 1 teaspoon of chopped sage and one teaspoon of fresh or dried thyme leaves to 150 ml of boiling water. Allow this to infuse for 10 minutes and then strain. The warm liquid may be utilized as a gargle. Gargle two to three times every day. Coughs and colds are a frequent feature of growing up and hardly any children ever completely escape them.

A mild cold ought to be observed and handled carefully to make sure any complications are avoided or immediately taken care of. However, mild coughs and colds that don’t persist more than a few weeks may well do more good than harm. They ease some elimination and function to state the immune system. There’s absolutely not any need to become unduly concerned by an occasional light cold. However, it’s good to know there are loads of health building treatments available, like those above, to minimize discomfort and speed recovery.