This probably was a question for a lot of us a while ago: What is Acai? Even more intriguing, where does this come from? All this was barely known to the Western world a decade ago. Even today there are lots of men and women who do not know, or have no idea about the health benefits found in this little berry.

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Not until scientists stumbled upon several natives in the Amazon; natives, who had hardly any food as we know it were found in good spirit and health. Among them are barely any illnesses which exist in most Western societies. The Amazon has long been known as a fertile ground for a variety of plants that flourish in its tropical climate creating some of the greatest health benefits. Their tribal healers used this fruit to promote longevity and health for hundreds, or even centuries.

Their warriors consumed it as a source of power, power and vitality. Due to these unusual and remarkable health benefits of Acai that there have been lots of studies by contemporary science since. Having discovered these unparalleled antioxidant levels and superior nutrient content in a small berry, Acai is now being cited as a highly valuable addition to a nutritious diet exercise regime.


What Does It Look Like? Looks can deceive: it’s a small berry, round, black-purple in colour. Its appearance is very similar to a grape, but it’s less pulp and just a single large seed. Maybe because of its appearance it has gone unnoticed by the rest of the world for centuries. The big news broke in 2004 as this powerful fruit has been featured on a variety of talk shows like The NBC’s Today’s Show and in a number of other health profiles. A scientist gave detailed information regarding this unbelievable fruit and how it developed to the top ten super foods.

With even larger health benefits since these berries being blended with other fruits plus adding different ingredients to make one of the most effective natural health supplements available now. How Popularity About The Acai And Its Health Benefits Started To Grow. The National Academy of Sciences in study has discovered: The Acai berry is full of nutrients, including beta carotene, fiber, fiber, essential fatty acids, amino acids and phytosterols. This was confirmed as the Acai fruit underwent the ORAC test.

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A test, that has been released with the food science and nutrition industries in the late nineties to have a standard for measuring antioxidant capacities of supplements and foods. This evaluation results revealed a typical value of 1027 ORAC. That makes this fruit, Acai, far higher than any common fruits and vegetables. To compare this to other berries or fruits: The next greatest berry is the wild Alaskan blueberry, as in contrast the black raspberry – 340 ORAC, wild blue berry – 260, – elder berry – 240 etc, reducing the ladder.

Let’s have a closer look at the ORACs that stands for”Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity”. There are a few twenty-six thousand ORACs in complete and the human body needs a minimum of six thousand daily simply to stay healthy. In the food market, with many more processed foods and chunk meals consumed, where are we going to find that lots of ORACs from daily? This points to a few of the numerous reasons why ailments and disorders are becoming more prevalent in the Western world.

There are six types of free radicals linked to chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. This is the reason a lot of researchers are studying the ancient medicines of the Amazon jungle, having found an assortment of health-promoting fruits and plants from mother nature, which have long been used by indigenous cultures for its health benefits. Some are so full in their nutrient content providing an entirely balanced diet by themselves.

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Experts in health concur, by eating well – a diet full of fruits, vegetables and whole grains – a individual might lower the risk of certain chronic diseases. The simple fact is: You can not just take 1 pill or one food and resolve all your problems. As more study continued the more they understood the intriguing science behind the Acai berry since it’s a pure food, it’s a complete food; it’s protein, carbohydrates, and so many other valuable nutrients. That makes it a excellent addition to the daily diet and to meet a few of the ORACs requirements. What has been found is, the Acai berry is energy packed with nutritional value, such as proteins, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and has a low glycemic index. Most important though are the levels of phytonutrients it comprises.

But what makes the Acai berry distinctive from other fruits, is all this concentration of immune supporting antioxidants, which are rarely found with this amount in any other fruits or berries. As we live with bad diets, toxic environment, excessive stress, air pollution and chemicals, this is known to make”immune complexes” when attacked by our immune system.


Acai nutrients also enhance our immune system, thereby minimizing the harm that could occur to cell membranes throughout our entire body, especially the cells in our joints. In creating this formula even further by producing a complete dietary supplement as other fruits are added to the Acai berry, such as wild Alaskan blueberries, pomegranate, blueberry, dark sweet cherry, aloe Vera, grape seed, green tea and a lot more. This exceptional choice with its synergistic effect reaches far beyond what any single fruit could accomplish. Such a formulation of a conveniently packed gel will have many health benefits, providing your body with a few of the things which are missing in your daily diet. Will harvesting ruin, or secure a number of the rainforest? This advice is to continue in my next post.