What could be a cause of “unexplained fertiliity problems” that is not being investigated by conventional medical doctors? What the scientists in a New York Medical facility have discovered, though only on a small scale and larger studies have to be done, is that in case you believe that you are fertilising rather than holding you could be experiencing an autoimmune problem.


That is, you might have a kind of antibodies that’s actually attacking the fertilised egg rather than allowing the pregnancy to continue if your immune system is not working as optimally as possible. It’s hard to know why your own body might be attacking the fertilised egg, but recall the immune system’s reaction is supposed to eliminate all foreign invaders on your system to keep you healthy. If your body appears at the fertilised egg as a foreign invader than it might create a blood clot quite near the implantation to attempt and eliminate the implantation.

Sometimes because the fetus would not have survived or it’s a chromosomal defect the body will eliminate the pregnancy because of this. But if the autoimmune reaction is somehow diminished it might attacking a fertilised egg when in fact it does not have to. The test which you may have done to ascertain whether this could be an issue for you is testing for antibodies like antiphospholipin antibodies and anticardiolipin antibodies.

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There’s also a condition called Factor V Leiden the doctor might want to rule out too well. Other tests may also be appropriate so discuss this thoroughly with your doctor. The New York study showed some positive results when the immune system was treated with many girls sustaining their pregnancies complete term. Its important to not forget that this was a small scale research and additional testing should be done to confirm the findings, but for today improving the health of your immune system won’t just enhance your fertility, but your general health and wellbeing.


Discuss this information with your physician and if they don’t need to perform the testing its important to find a doctor who’s willing to work with you. You might need to pay for a number of these tests yourself if medicare does not cover it but this information could be crucial in assisting you to conceive and maintain the pregnancy full term.