Most men and women seek better health, but, frequently, their fear of going to the doctor, or needles, or taking certain medications, and/ or, their desire to prevent what they may think about the risks/ side effects, related to some tradition remedies, become a threat to their personal health, and well – being.


In america, our system of medical treatment is frequently referred to, as allopathic, which focuses on treating diseases, instead of preventive medicine. In many/ most of the rest of the world, the emphasis is on reducing disorders, by enhancing/ improving resistance, and/ or resistance, and avoiding taking medication medicines, originally, but just, when other approaches, are not indicated. With that in mind, this guide will try to briefly, consider, review, analyze, and discuss, the HOLISTIC alternative/ strategy, using the mnemonic method.


  • Healing; homeopathy; heart/ mind: Holistic practitioners, frequently concentrate on curing the entire/ entire person, such as balancing the emotional and logical factors, in a mind / heart equilibrium, without fretting, first, to only treating symptoms. Most countries use homeopathic medicine, in a thorough, health program, in addition to many other modalities.
  • Options: The focus is on taking advantage of viable options and alternatives, used collectively, towards creating better health!
  • Listen; learnWellness medication treatment takes the moment, to ask plenty of questions, and listen attentively, to be able to find out more, and be best positioned, to better health!
  • Importance; ideology; notions; investigate: Utmost importance, in an alternate regimen, is owning an ideology, of contemplating the larger – picture, and benefit from the best relevant ideas/ choices.
  • Systems; more powerful; sustain: When one concentrates on the best way to sustain our presence, and proceed, in a more powerful manner, he accepts alternate systems, concentrated on a healthy lifestyle!
  • Timely; tendencies: Pay attention to the discoveries, trends, and new alternative methods, with the attention, on the ideal.
  • Imagination; insist; enhance: If you aspire to enhance your health, you’ll have to work, on it, while keeping up the creativity, to consider options and choices, and insist, on doing this, potential, to improve your well – being.
  • Care; caring; coordinate: Coordinate your attention, and understand, when allopathic approaches are required, and necessary, and if, holistic approaches and techniques, might be best, for you!


Happy individuals are usually, best – positioned, to be healthier, and tend to be, the most caring people. Wise people do not ignore the possibilities, and are ready, willing and able, to think about, when HOLISTIC medication and techniques, are best – suited, for you. Are you going to keep that the open – mind, to be the healthiest, you may possibly, become.