Cold sores are caused by a virus, the herpes simplex virus or HSV. There are two types of herpes simplex virus, known as type 1 and type 2. While both types can cause cold sores, type 1 is the number usually accountable. Type 2 HSV is located in genital herpes and is far more uncommon than type 1 HSV.


HSV-1 is the usual cause of cold sores. Most individuals are exposed to HSV-1 between the ages of three to five. There are a number of ways that someone could get infected by HSV-1, including one of them coming into intimate contact with someone that has a cold sore, ingesting contaminated fluids which were sneezed or coughed into the air, or by coming into contact with items that someone who has a cold sore used or touched. Although most individuals are infected with the HSV-1 virus early in life, they don’t get their first cold sore until after puberty.

Once someone is infected with HSV-1, the virus stays together for the rest of their lives. HSV-2 is not as common than HSV-1. It primarily causes genital herpes. HSV-2 usually only have an effect on body parts which are under a person’s waist, but in rare instances, it can cause someone to get cold sores. Once a man is infected with HVS-1, a variety of things can cause cold sores. A bad cold, a case of the flu, or any kind of disorder that affects the immune system may cause the appearance of cold sores. Extremely chapped or sunburned lips may raise the prospect of a cold sore outbreak. Women that are pregnant or menstruating have a higher risk of cold sores.


But cold sores aren’t solely due to physical factors. Emotional stress or prolonged upset is another element which may result in a cold sore outbreak. Another element that’s been seen to increase the danger of an outbreak is physical strain or tiredness. All these stress factors weaken the immune system, which makes it harder for the body to fight the outbreak. Many individuals experience cold sores just a couple of times in their lifetime, but others have them much more frequently. There’s no cure for cold sores. And with so many diverse causes that people don’t have any control over, therapy and treatment by trained professionals are often the most effective ways to handle troublesome outbreaks.