Allergies are one of the main causes of death in the nation for centuries. If you look carefully, each restaurant or cafeteria, deli or bakery must now legally have a hint regarding food allergies and saying using any soy, dairy or wheat products in the center. This could easily be a consequence of the fact that every three minutes, someone experiences a serious or life threatening event regarding an allergic reaction to something they touched or swallowed.


Luckily with the assistance of several medical assistants, administrators and alums, we’ve gotten one step closer to finding an end to what might easily be thought of as a massive problem in the lives of countless kids, seniors and adults. Can you imagine what it must be like to need to go an entire lifetime without knowing what a strawberry tastes like? Or what about never being able to even touch milk? Being allergic to certain foods can’t just result as a deadly situation, but could also make the person feel deprived and underprivileged.

Oral immunotherapy is an innovative and experimental means to discover if someone could indeed become resistant to specific allergens such as peanuts or dairy products. This therapy is made effective by employing the support of phlebotomists to draw blood from the affected person and determine the effectiveness of the immune system. Later, the individual receives a series of shots to lower immunity reactions.


Doing this enables victims of these life threatening allergies to have the ability to consume the exact same foods which may potentially take their own lives. Over a specified amount of time, the person will continue to receive the injections and as they continue to ingest these dangerous foods, their bodies start to tolerate larger and larger doses of it.

It’s really incredible to see these remedies can do for an individual who has spent most of their lives wondering what it would be like to eventually try something as common as ice cream without possibly losing their lives. Needless to say, as all life altering events do, these remedies do involve a certain amount of potential risk.

Because the term treatment typically dictates a life of resistance to foods which were once life threatening, scientists and clinical researchers decide not to claim these remedies as remedies just yet, but we’re almost there! In a few decades, medical technology could provide us answers not only to manners to prevent allergic reactions, but also answers as to why these allergic reactions are happening increasingly more frequently every day!