Nearly all individuals who use medicinal cannabis often use it to counteracting the symptoms of a long standing chronic condition, rather than as a technique to care for their immune system to maintain good health. While research into the benefits of cannabis for the immune system is rather sparse, there are early signs which appear to suggest that there might be some advantages to be had.


Research conducted in San Francisco appears to suggest that cannabinoids can enable the ECS (endocannabinoid system) function. To make this as straightforward as possible for you to comprehend, this is a method of receptors (CB1 and CB2) that are located throughout your body. The endocannabinoids have the ability to keep the ECS functioning well, thus maintaining your health, in addition to helping with counteracting any pain you might experience within an ongoing chronic condition.

If the immune system becomes out of balance for any reason, this is when problems occur which are detrimental to your health. For instance, MS is an autoimmune disorder which caused in part by an unbalanced immune system, so if the immune system could be balanced with cannabis, could we see a decrease in the incidence of MS? It certainly seems possible.


Cannabis also has long standing anti inflammatory properties that are well known. Inflammation also happens when your body is exposed to harmful toxins, and cannabis can answer the inflammation by binding to the receptors to decrease this inflammatory reaction. If you suffer from inflammation on a regular basis, you will soon notice the advantages of using cannabis to control and reduce these levels of inflammation. Researchers also appear to think that cannabis can play an essential role in treating Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, but also for more common conditions like Crohn’s disease.


Are you using cannabis to help your immune system stay healthy? It might not be a feasible way to keep your immune system for a few, but if you’re in good health and prepared to take the plunge, let us know how you get on. Also, we’d advise that you visit your neighborhood dispensary for help with choosing the best strain for your personal use, if you’re not sure of which strain to decide on. They’ll have the ability to offer you the best advice.