In Dr. Miller’s perspective, and grounded in good science, parents must think about a more”user-friendly” vaccination schedule, one which chooses the best interests of the person into consideration as opposed to what the government judges best for society. That’s a much better way than the “one-size-fits-all” approach foisted on Americans who pushes the necessity of annual flu vaccines although few people actually die from flu and an admission by the CDC last year these vaccines do not work anyhow.


It is a controversial subject, and many parents worry about subjecting their kids to them. Readers of the article,”Mercury on the Mind,” about vaccines and dental amalgams, have asked what vaccines I would recommend their children get. This article addresses that question. In the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule put out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 12 vaccines are given to children until they reach age two. Infectious disease was the leading cause of death in children 100 years back, with diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever and pertussis accounting for most them.

Today, the top causes of death in children less than five years old are injuries, genetic abnormalities, developmental disorders, sudden infant death syndrome and cancer. A fundamental tenet of modern medicine is that vaccines are the reason. There’s growing evidence that this is so, but perhaps not quite in the way traditional medical wisdom would have it. A 15-member Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at the CDC determines which vaccines should be on the Childhood Immunization Schedule. It calls for a single vaccine, against hepatitis B, to be provided on the day of arrival; seven vaccines at two months; 6 more (including booster shots) at four weeks; as many as eight vaccines on the six-month well-baby visit.

Good to know

Before a child reaches age two, they will have received 32 vaccinations within this program, including four doses each of vaccines for Hemophilus influenzae type b infections, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis — all of these given during the first 12 weeks of life. Seven vaccines injected into a 13-pound, two-month old baby are equal to 70 doses at a 130-pound adult. The program says,”Your child can safely get all vaccines recommended for a specific age during one trip.” Public health officials, however, haven’t proven it is indeed safe to inject this many vaccines into babies.

What’s more, they can’t explain why, concurrent with an increasing number of vaccinations, there’s been an explosion of neurologic and immune system disorders within our state’s kids. Fifty years back, once the immunization schedule comprised only four vaccines (such as diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and smallpox), autism was virtually unknown. First discovered in 1943, this most devastating malady, in what is now a spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders, afflicted less than 1 in 10,000 children.

Today, one in every 68 American households has an autistic child. Other, less severe developmental disorders, rarely seen before the vaccine era, have also reached epidemic proportions. Four million American children have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Our kids are also experiencing an epidemic of autoimmune disorders: Type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and gut disorders. There’s been a 17-fold increase in Type I diabetes, from 1 in 7,100 children from the 1950s to 1 in 400 now.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

It afflicts 300,000 American children. Twenty-five decades back, this disease was so rare that public health officials didn’t keep any data on it. There’s been a four-fold growth in asthma, and bowel disorders in children are more common now than they were 50 years back. Health officials consider that a vaccine to be safe if no bad reactions — such as seizures, intestinal obstruction or anaphylaxis – occur acutely. The CDC hasn’t done any studies to evaluate the long-term ramifications of its immunization program. To do that, you has to conduct a randomized controlled trial, the lynchpin of evidenced-based medication, where one set of kids is vaccinated on the CDC’s schedule along with a control group isn’t vaccinated.

Investigators then follow the 2 groups for several years (not just a few weeks, as was done in vaccine safety studies). Concerns that vaccinations in infants cause chronic neurologic and immune system disorders would be put to rest, and their security certified, if the amount of children who develop these diseases is the exact same in both groups. No such studies have been done, so vaccine proponents can’t say that vaccines are so safe as they think they are. One proponent, interviewed by Dan Rather on 60 Minutes, that has financial ties to the vaccine industry that he didn’t disclose, asserts that vaccines”have a much better security record than vitamins.”

Keep in mind

He failed to mention that the U.S.. There’s an increasing body of evidence that implicates vaccines as a causative factor in the deteriorating health of children. The hypothesis that vaccines cause neurologic and immune system disorders is a valid one — vaccines given in several doses, close together, to very young children after the CDC’s Immunization Schedule. This hypothesis needs to be tested by a large scale, long-term randomized controlled trial. As opposed to obediently following the government’s program, there’s now sufficient evidence, grounded in good science, to warrant adopting a more user-friendly vaccination schedule.

One that is in the best interests of the person compared to what planners judge best for society as a whole. New knowledge in neuroimmunology (the study of how the brain’s immune system operates ) raises serious questions about the wisdom of injecting vaccines in children less than two years old. The mind has its own specialized immune system, different from that of the rest of the body. When a man or woman has been vaccinated, its specialized immune cells, the microglia, become activated (the blood-brain barrier notwithstanding).

Multiple vaccinations

These spaced close together over-stimulate that the microglia, causing them to release an assortment of toxic elements — cytokines, chemokines, excitotoxins, proteases, match, free radicals — that damage brain cells and their synaptic connections. In humans, the most rapid period of brain development begins in the third trimester and continues within the first two decades of extra uterine life. From a risk-benefit standpoint, there’s growing evidence that the risk of neurologic and autoimmune diseases from vaccinations outweigh the advantages of preventing the childhood ailments that they stop. An exception is hepatitis B vaccine for infants whose mothers test positive for this disease.

A user friendly vaccination program prohibits any vaccines that contain thimerosal, which is 50 percent mercury. Flu vaccines contain thimerosal, which is reason enough to prevent them. One should also avoid vaccines that contain live viruses. Including the combined measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine; chickenpox (varicella) vaccine; and the live-virus polio (Sabin) vaccine. This stricture wouldn’t apply to the smallpox vaccine (also a live-virus one), if a terrorist-instigated outbreak of smallpox should happen.


The Journal of the American Medical Association have also published studies like this encouraging U.S. Looking elsewhere, however, one comes across a number of disquieting truth about vaccines.

  • Investigators have found, as an instance, live measles virus in the cerebral spinal fluid in children who become autistic after MMR vaccinations.
  • Antibodies to measles virus are elevated in children with autism but not in ordinary children, suggesting that virus-induced autoimmunity may play a causal role.
  • A study published in Neurology this season implicates hepatitis B vaccine as a causative factor in multiple sclerosis.

A communitarian ethic increasingly governs healthcare in the U.S.. It puts a higher value on the health of the community, on society as a whole, than on the health of specific individuals. Public health officials have assembled a vaccination schedule designed to remove infectious diseases to which the population is victim. Officials recognize that these vaccines will damage a small proportion of (genetically susceptible) people, but it’s for the common good.


Parents, of course, can refuse vaccinations, but if they would like to enroll their child in public school they’ll have to obtain one of those exemptions. Doctors who conclude that the dangers of the government’s immunization program outweigh its advantages are put in a challenging position. If they counsel parents to not have their children follow it, medical care plans, which monitor vaccine compliance as a measure of “quality,” will find them wanting. And if their individual should contract and develop complications from the illness the vaccine could have prevented, they might find themselves facing a lawsuit. If a child gets autistic after a vaccination, but the doctor is shielded from any liability because the government requires it and the child’s parents, if they had chosen to do so, could have obtained an exemption.

But if parents elect not to comply with the CDC’s immunization program, delaying some vaccinations, denying others, or avoiding them altogether, then they need to take the risk that their child might contract the disease the vaccine against it probably would have prevented. One consideration, which vaccine proponents don’t address, is this: Could contracting childhood diseases like measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox play a constructive role in the maturation of a individual’s immune system? Or, to put it another way, does eliminating natural infection from individual experience have any negative effects? It destroys foreign invaders — viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.

And it destroys aberrant cells in the body which run amuck and cause cancer. Behind the barricades of skin and mucosa, our innate immune system (composed of phagocytes, natural killer cells and the 20-protein complement system), which all creatures have, is your body’s first line of defense. It reacts to invaders lightening fast and indiscriminately, but it’s not really good at removing viruses and cancerous cells.