For more than 50 years now, the entire world has been living in the stress of the deadly monster, Cancer. Every day, over 20,000 people die of cancer and with these numbers, it’s totally okay for people to be fearful. However, there’s one pungent remedy that’s proved to suppress the anxiety efficiently: knowledge. Doctors and scientists believe that if cancer sufferers can conquer the illness in their own minds, then they could beat it from their bodies.

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Health magazines, tv shows and internet blogs devoted to spreading awareness on the probable antidotes of cancer have been put up and possibly soon enough, these attempts could just pay off. Nevertheless, orthodox procedures to fight cancer continue to go belly up, in spite of all the billions of dollars poured into the study. Chemotherapy appears to be at the peak of the, possibly, present breakthrough but the world is heavily hedging its bets on if chemotherapy is, really a cancer treatment or simply another risky provisional treatment process.

Sure there are a few patients who have been announced cancer-free after undergoing chemotherapy. But a good portion of the populace has also been reported to be jobless following a long time of being diagnosed cancer-free. Additionally, the side effects of the process have proven very deadly for some sufferers, with extreme cases of death been listed.

Cancer treatment

So is there a cancer treatment on the market that works, without necessarily damaging the body? Well, men like Howard Hoxey, Dr. Max Gerson, and Dr. Johanna Budwig have developed therapeutic formulations which they think can provide the body with the ideal metabolic requirements and slow cancer down. And just to be clear, this isn’t a campaign or assert that this is the definite plan of action for cancer treatment. I’m just simply saying that I strongly feel that these organic physiotherapies can go a long way to curb the cancer cells, either alone or in unification with other traditional procedures.

Here’s an all-inclusive approach to treating cancer. You are what you eat. A nutritious diet is the backbone of any successful treatment, artificial or not. Scientists believe that certain nutrients like sugar feeds favor the growth and multiplication of cancerous cells and by preventing such foods, tumor growth can be slowed down. Other nutrients which needs to be eschewed include processed foods, alcohol, coffee, fluorides and soft drinks. Knowing what to eat is vital for any cancer patient.

Bantuan alami

Herbs, fruits, and veggies which are highly full of vitamins are incredible for physiological cleansing and repair. So incorporating foods such as broccoli, cabbage, berries, grapes, ginger, garlic, green tea, turmeric and leafy vegetables in your diet will do you some good by supplying the necessary nutritional protection. Cancer patients should be prepared to adopt a raw diet, at least until their bodies stabilize. Keeping their fat intake to a minimum is very important. If at all possible, using natural oils such as coconut oil is highly advised.

Avocados and nuts might be a great compromise to supply the essential fatty acids in the body essential for oxygenation of cells. Most importantly, digestion shouldn’t be knotty. The cancer cells are already straining the body enough and eating heavy foods such as broccoli, sugar, animal protein and a lot of fats will only make the process worse, and likely accelerate tumor development. Choosing natural supplements which neutralize the acidity in the body and provide an ample source of systemic and digestive enzymes is therefore obligatory to assist in the cancer healing procedure.


The body naturally depends upon its own immunity offered by the white blood cells, and I think this was the first plan up until hereditary disorders became something. Bearing in mind that cancer cells greatly mutate once from the body, it’s possible for the body, by virtue of innate immune intelligence, to defend itself from this multiplication until it becomes uncontrollable. A distinctive group of white blood cells whose sole purpose is to attack and destroy abnormal cells through the lymphatic system exists. The key now lies in energizing these particular cells. Dietary supplements like Aloe Vera and mushroom extracts are perfect in this instance.


In homeopathy, the body’s natural healing power is thought to be activated. Here, little doses of therapeutic substances are given to the individual to improve the immunity. Though research on homeopathy is still fragmentary, it’s possible that it might prove counteractive in the not too distant future. Accumulation of metabolic wastes in the body accelerates tumor multiplication. For effective cancer recovery, it’s necessary to flush out the accumulated toxins and wastes from the body. Lots of resources offering knowledge on body cleaning can be found online and in books. Body purification reduces the load on the kidneys and liver, stimulating the immune system to fight the cancerous cells completely.

To speed up the detoxification process, you will find additional lifestyle practices which may be adopted in the home as an addendum. Frequent extending and exercising make sure the white blood cells in the body stay active throughout. Taking regular bathrooms and drenching in a sauna every now and then keeps skin clear to permit for reclamation through perspiration. Fasting rejuvenates the entire body and foods such as coffee enemas and castor oil prevent the reabsorption of toxins.

Catatan akhir

Artificial chemotherapy for cancer treatment, though possible, can have adverse secondary effects like hair loss and body fatigue amongst others. What most people do not understand is that there are safe chemotherapies that effectively prevent malignancy within the body. Naturally occurring foods such as apricots seeds and apple pits include Amygdalin that actively targets and destroys the tumor. Other nutritional supplements such as shark cartilage and liver oil cut off blood supply to the cancerous cells. Needless to say, these treatments aren’t completely standalone and are often implemented as part of their comprehensive cancer treatment. Overall, embracing a more body-friendly lifestyle is the most imperative part of the organic therapeutic procedure. Taking regular adheres to the fullest enables the body to rebuild and purify itself out of carcinogens that develop in the body as you’re awake. Exercising regularly and basking in sunlight for vitamin D are part of this salutary regime which you ought to aspire to adopt. Slowly, your body adjusts its immunity and fights the cancerous cells, 1 step at a time.