All of us fear cancer because we fear what we do not understand. If we knew its many causes and have been informed how to make a few smallish modifications to fix these causes then we would have no fear of the issue. Cancer isn’t caused by some foreign invader or a wayward gene passed down from our parents or grandparents. It’s obviously a self caused illness.


Cancer appears due to our contemporary means of living that’s certainly not a healthy manner. If we put as much emphasis on looking after the interior of our body as we do with the way we concentrate to the exterior of our body then we’d never get cancer. Unfortunately these days we’ve become so obsessed with how we appear on the exterior, or our physical appearance and we totally ignore what’s going on in the interior that’s a lot more important.

Looking healthy isn’t necessarily the equivalent of actually being healthy. Due to the numerous misconceptions associated with cancer we feel that all cancers are caused by a foreign invader and the only individuals who can eliminate it are the surgeons and oncologists, that’s the cancer physicians using their three manners of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Nothing could be farther from the truth.


Cancer is simply a modern day problem and at present only in developed countries and not yet in undeveloped countries so it is not tricky to get the motives or its causes. Also it is pointless asking your physician what causes cancer or how to keep your health because physicians don’t know. Cancer now is well known and there are several individuals who do know. To prevent cancer its changes you want so begin by changing your diet rather than return to your old unhealthy habits.

The human body requires freshly grown food everyday as it’s our fuel that keeps us healthy. The body needs vitamins and minerals but not from a jar, we want it from nature due to the intricate interplay between these and other occurring compounds that can not be replicated by man. You can not buy health in the shape of supplements, that is just fancy marketing and plenty of hype and unnecessary expenditure, let new food be your medicine.

Perlu diingat

Cancer has more than one cause and while the major one is the incorrect food we’re currently consuming, other contributing factors are our lack of exercise as well as the constant attack on the human body from the chemicals we currently use or we’re in touch with. The reason we want exercise is because cancer is a disorder of an immune system that’s been weakened and to keep a strong immune system it’s important to integrating a daily schedule of exercise.

Any exercise is good and it is the only way to find the immune system functioning again. All of us have cancer cells in our body but they are held in check by a strong immune system. Also avoid refined sugar as its been proven to significantly suppress the immune system.

There are more chemicals in our homes now than ever before and we use them freely thinking they’re safe. Most of these chemicals are extracted from the oil sector and several are employed in the products we put on our skin. Anything we apply to our skin is absorbed into our blood due to the porous nature of our skin. We place far too much focus on the outside body or how we look and insufficient emphasis on the inner part. Without inner health there may never be true wellbeing.