I’ve always been for maintaining a healthy and strong immune system. Our immune system is essential to our health we can’t behave like it does not exist. Do you believe an individual who’s 30-40 obese has a strong immune system? I know you understand that someone that’s overweight isn’t a healthy condition and 2/3 of Americans are overweight to some degree.

Extra weight

It affect everything. To name one, hips, ankles and knees. Did you know that for every pound of extra weight may require up to ten miles of additional capillaries to carry blood to the extra additional tissue? Let’s look as some of the conditions which are caused by that excess weight. Do you know what causes diabetes?

Answer: It takes place when the systems inside the body aren’t able to move glucose from the blood supply to the cells.When that happens the pancreas pumps out more insulin. The cause of this demand of greater insulin is that all these obese cells become resistant to the insulin’s message. Does becoming obese causes insulin resistance is the reverse true, i.e. a problem with the body with insulin causes the weight gain.

Both are true!

With people over 50, a study was done that indicated that anybody that gained 5 pounds. Did you know that there are two kinds of fats? It’s in nearly every sort of food that is prepared, from soft drinks to bread. Now fructose in its natural condition as found in fresh fruit is completely as healthy as you can get. But once it’s extracted from fruit, processed and concentrated into an additive, it’s pure poison in disguise.

Here’s what over consumption of products that contain fructose will cause to happen in the human body. And fructose is gradually taking over the whole food source except for all natural, fresh products. Here’s what has occurred since 1977, during the previous 30 years. It follows that all Americans under the age of 30 have been subjected. In 1977 the average consumption per person in the US was 37 grams every day, approximately 8 percent of their total calories. In 2004 the average was 54.7 g per day, per person, average. That’s a 2% growth.

Did you know?

With teenagers, it gets worse. A whopping 72.8 grams every day for adolescents between the ages of 13 and 19. This amounts to over 12 percent of the total calorie consumption. The reference for this information is: Medscape J. Med 08;10:1160. We understand why 2/3 of Americans are obese and our teens are fast-racking into the circumstance. There’s an alternative. When you receive the super urge to get a Coke, start looking for one bottled in Mexico – YEP – Mexico – or an American bottled Coke that is Kosher. Coke does bottling particularly for passover.

Both of these are made with cane sugar instead of HFCS. If you have ta have a Coke that is the best way to go. Knowing what sorts of fat that the body has is very important since you will know what fat is lost first and what impact it has on the liver, pancreas and gallbladder. You find these internal organs also have visceral fat and that’s the most dangerous.


Because all the veins in the gut (the thorax and abdomen are separated by the diaphragm) place drain directly to the liver. The liver is unique and central to all blood flow. Liver immune power and health could be among the most important regions of concern. There’s one issue that the liver has with free fatty acids which could get pushed from the abdominal region. The liver has to be monitored carefully so the fatty liver disease doesn’t invade the liver. This is the reason a”liver cleansing” is vital. Invasion of fatty liver disease couldn’t just comprise live wellness, but also the immune system when it comes to the liver.


Habits will need to change. Weight reduction or weigh maintenance can only be achieved if you’re burning more calories that you’re consuming. Quality food is going to be the key not only to weight maintenance but also to immune system health. Exercise is the next requirement. Vitamin and mineral supplementation should be considered to maintain body health throughout the body’s transition period.