You’ve heard of ANTI-biotics, but how about PRO-biotics? The term “probiotic” stems from Greek, and it means “for-life”. Studies reveal that these friendly animals are indeed essential contributors to regular well-being. These microorganisms not only assist in the digestion process, but they’ve been found to influence numerous gene activities, helping them in expressing health and fighting disease.


Interestingly enough, it’s also been shown that probiotics boost your immune system and help in reducing blood pressure. Several studies have emphasized the fact that probiotics stimulated changes like those wanted by the pharmaceutical industry, but obviously and consequently without negative side -effects. In actuality, probiotics provide NO negative side effects in any way! Researchers also demonstrated that drinking a probiotic abundant beverage influenced the activity of hundreds of genes in a favourable way.

Probitics are readily available and very easy to locate, and selecting a high quality version will help rebalance your intestinal tract with good, healthy bacteria. There are probiotics offered for all ages! This beneficial bacterium has a very long lasting, and powerful effect in your gut’s immune system, in addition to your immune system. These micro-organisms play a very important role in the mucosal immune system in the digestive tract assisting in antibody production to undesirable invading bacteria, in other words: the one’s that”make you ill”.

Immune system

These friendly little guys really instruct your immune system to distinguish friend from foe, and assist in the delivery of an appropriate immune reaction. This is indeed important since an over-reaction to non harmful antigens is what gives rise to allergies and many frequent colds and flu’s. As though this were not enough, probiotics may also help stabilize and normalize your weight. In reality, studies have linked a 5 percent decrease in abdominal fat, and 3 percent reduction in subcutaneaous fat only from adding a probiotic supplementation into your daily diet within a 10-12 week interval.


It’s fairly apparent that probiotics play a huge selection of useful and valuable functions, and a few of which have yet to be found. It’s such a simple addition to someone’s lifestyle, that it ought to be strongly urged to all ages. It’s also note worthy to indicate using probiotics after the use of antibiotics for any illness’s that one may incur. Antibiotics are designed to kill all of the bacteria within the gut flora, for example, gram positive bacteria (good bacteria), to remove all of the poisonous bacteria which cause us to suffer. It’s crucial that the gram positive bacteria be replenished because it is this that enables us to digest and consume all of the nutrients our body needs from the foods we consume. Unfortunately, this is probably not something which you’re going to hear about from the family doctor.