Preventing the flu really should not be so hard, but why is it such a problem here in america? It appears that each and every winter, serious cases of the flu, and even colds, are uncontrolled. Every year we’re told that unless we receive a flu shot we’ll be lucky to live! Well, with this year’s flu shot seemingly effective for just 23 percent of people who get the shot, it appears wise to rely more on other ways of staying healthy.

Side effects

You might not want to take the possibility of getting the unwanted side effects that could happen with a flu shot which has only 23 percent chance of helping you? I don’t. So this is what I have come up with as easy suggestions, simple tips that are safe, I might add, that do not have negative side effects! Whether you choose a flu shot or not is your decision, but taking the next measures are wise either way.

What to do?

  • Drink loads of water. This will help your immune system, give you more energy, and assist your own elimination. Generally, nutrition experts recommend to drink half your body weight in ounces. Otherwise, if you weigh 150 pounds, an optimal quantity of water is 75 ounces.
  • Keep your hands clean and keep things around you wash. A partial list would imply doorknobs, faucet handles, your telephone receiver, the steering wheel on your auto, car handles, essentially, everything you touch.
  • Get adequate sleep. Adults should get at least 7 or 8 hours sleep, kids need more sleep.
  • Healthy eating, with very little sugar. Eat more fruits and vegetables, such as mushrooms and garlic.
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements. Extra Vitamin C, D. Remember that you want the minerals in order for the vitamins to operate at their finest. Ionic and colloidal silver are also great for the immune system.
  • Exercise more frequently. This helps strengthen the immune system and reduces stress. Stress destroys nutrients that weakens the immunity, so having less stress is good for you.
  • Positive thinking may also be helpful for assisting you to get a strong immune system and preventing the flu, colds, or some other illness.


It’s so much easier and much more pleasant to take the measures that help prevent getting the flu or a cold then it is to get over it after you have got it! If you are a school teacher or have a job where you meet a good deal of individuals who bring their cold or flu germs to work so that they can give them to you, then it’s extra important that you take the above actions to keep from getting sick. Even in case you end up getting a cold or the flu, then it ought to be milder and easier to eliminate then if you didn’t comply with the health tips above. Need help with weight loss, getting the nutrients you need for optimal health, or just want to feel better? You might just find what you need right there! Then, be certain to contact mepersonally, Judy Thompson, with any queries. Do you want to have this report and more posts by Judy Thompson on nutrition coming to your inbox?