Something the successful business person needs is – lots of Energy! You need Brain Energy and you need Body Energy. However as with any other type of energy, it’s constantly being drained away and needs replacing. Dealing with people, your clients and your team, can both drain your mind and your body – and you probably don’t want me to tell you that.

Brain Energy

Let’s look at Brain Energy – Imagine that you get a letter from your bank manager stating – -“I want you to come and see me.” If you respond to this with -“Oh no! What does he want, what’s wrong today? Maybe he would like to remember my loan.” That type of response drains your mind of energy and gives you stress. The successful business person does not respond she believes. Reacting drains the mind – thinking, less so.

Don’t, and I repeat – Don’t say -“Oh no! What am I going to do today?” Every time you say -“Oh no!” – your mind has a enormous drain of energy. I only want to mention a few more words about anxiety. People will tell you that there is good stress and bad stress. I’m talking about bad stress and it happens when your mind is drained of energy. They also think that it can not be avoided; it is a part of being in business and the world we live in.

Anxiety factor

Organisations do have a duty to minimise levels of anxiety within their work but we have a responsibility for ourselves. It’s extremely important to minimise your levels of anxiety and you can do that by thinking instead of reacting. Start saying -“This is something I must address and I’ll deal with it” – You’ve got the option. Stress can lead to cardiovascular disease, insomnia, sexual problems, overeating, drinking too much, loss of concentration and stomach upsets. Research is currently telling us that many if not most of our disorders can be associated with stress.

When we get stressed that a chemical is released into our blood called Cortisol, sometimes called the Stress Hormone. High levels of Cortisol may result in diabetes and skin issues. There’s also a suggestion that Cortisol attacks our immune system and leaves us vulnerable to several of the viruses and bugs that come along. This also has cancer. So in case you’ve ever suffered from skin complaints or maybe too many colds, it might very well be the outcomes of stress.


I really don’t want to frighten you death or provide you some more stress, I just want you to think. So what about the body strain? The body and the mind are connected together so when the brain drains of vitality so does the body. However the body does lots of running about, up and down off the chair and frequently requires a bit of a battering. For it to work well, it ought to be in good shape in the first location.

We should all know by now that if we eat too much or eat the wrong things, smoke too much or drink too much alcohol, our body is at risk of breaking down. Again it comes back to programming. I frequently tell folks that I eat plenty of salad. The answer -“Salad is dull.” – Not how I make it, it is not; I put a variety of things to a salad apart from the green components – chillies, sun blush tomatoes, anchovies, tuna, sardines, chicken, olives, sausage, cheese etc.. Not all at once of course, I enjoy a little variation on the subject.


Open your mind and open up the refrigerator but be careful what you take out. Remember – you won’t get an ulcer from everything you eat – you will get it from what’s eating you. If you would like to be prosperous in business, then you are going to need to do some exercise. Now I know you believe you don’t have enough time. You could also be the kind that does not need to go to the gym and lift heavy things or jump about in an aerobics classnonetheless, you will need to take some exercise that makes you sweat a little.

I’m sorry, but a round of golf does not count, it is not the sort of exercise you require. Golf is great and it is great for the strain but it does not make you sweat. If you are going to walk then walk quickly to get a space, enough to push the heart rate and increase the breathing. Again, get your inner program right and begin to think how you can make your exercise enjoyable. I see some people in the gym making the entire company a real chore. They get on a bike or a rowing machine and attempt to kill themselves for twenty five minutes. If that is your thing then fine but don’t make it a chore, then plug into the audio system and catch up with what is on TV. I like to perform circuit courses with a whole group of people many of which have become buddies. I like the chat ahead, the audio and the exercise. If you are not into exercise then please be sure that you have other activities outside your office and make them more fun. Too many individuals are going home and slumping in front of the TV – successful people do not do that.