To treat acne, there is several kinds of acne medicine and solutions. Many of the acne medication treatments may include topical or systematic acne remedies. Additionally, homeopathic treatments might also be applied to protect against the out-break of acne, an example of which is using mild soaps and water. Which acne medicine to use first is determined by what is the reason for acne.


There may be several causes of acne. Over-secretion of the sebaceous glands of its own sebum (natural oil of the skin). Hormone imbalances as a result of internal changes in the body. The weakening of the immune system as a result of strikes of these acne-infecting bacteria called as”Propionibacterium acnes”. Impaired internal detoxification system. The response of the digestive system into the food items that you eat.

Environmental toxins or pollutants. Cosmetics that contain chemicals, preservatives or dangerous substances. The seriousness of your acne problem determines the sort of acne medicine to be used. In actuality, for the less serious acne cases or conditions, it’s ideal to begin with natural acne remedies. This normally comprises of organic herbs and exotic plants which are effective in eliminating the prevention of bacterial formation. One example of less severe acne symptoms are those which appear on the beginning of an acne outbreak.


Vegetables and fruits are ideal in lessening the effects of the aforementioned factors. They contain eeded vitamins and minerals for healthy skin. These may also have the properties of effectively cleansing and removing the oil in the skin cells, such as that of cucumbers and tomatoes. Most fruits and vegetables have a high water content. Water itself is powerful in releasing body toxins in the body. Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables and drinking a lot of distilled water can help prevent the onset of acne.

However, in case you’ve got a severe acne breakout, using acne medicine treatment may be appropriate. Acne medication products include topical and systematic acne remedies. Topical acne remedies are those that you apply on the skin surface. One ingredient found in a topical acne medicine product is benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide is effective in reducing the amount of germs on the skin. However, prolonged use may lead to dryness of the skin, contract dermatitis and lead to skin irritations.