Unfortunately, it is true. Especially as the temperatures fall here in Vermont, it is tough to ignore that it is that time of year again: influenza season. Whether you’re concerned about catching the H1N1 virus (what was being called the”swine flu”), flu, or the common cold, odds are you’ll need to manage the stuffy nose, tickle in your throat, or balloon head at any stage in the coming weeks. For lots people in the voice-talent sector, taking time off work is not always an option.

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Voice-over artists can not tell a customer to wait a couple of days, as actors and singers can not hold up production due to a case of the sniffles. The show must go on. While we can’t provide you fool-proof hints beyond common sense practices to avoid catching a virus (i.e., wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth when you cough, clean common hard surfaces with alcohol, get loads of sleep, etc.), we can tell you a few pointers that will assist you avoid sounding as bad as you might feel when you step up to the mic.

Drink water like it is your job! Not only will staying hydrated boost your immune system, but it will also reduce the quantity of mucous in your mouth and throat. The microphone picks up the noise of the thick saliva, and you’re going to spend hours editing out the “pops” and “smacks” if you are not adequately hydrated.


To prevent and treat mild nasal decongestion, consider using a neti pot as a natural way of cleansing the nasal passages. The lukewarm solution of water and salt gently cleans away mucous and build up that just inflames your sinuses more. Neti pots are also great for reducing the stuffy or nasally sound you may get with seasonal allergies. Avoid dairy. You should avoid eating dairy at least 12 hours prior to doing a recording anyway, and it is even more true if you’re feeling congested.

Dairy thickens the spit and becomes a”petri dish” for bacteria and germs to multiply. Avoid eating starchy carbohydrates. Starchy carbohydrates, like potatoes, bread, and pasta, may have the identical effect as dairy. Furthermore, lots of individuals have unknown, mild allergies to wheat, which only become exacerbated when your immune system is down. Eat brothy meals. They’re warm, delicious, healthy, and easy to digest.

Enough said!

Add a dab of hot sauce into the broth for supper. Not only will the hot sauce help drain mucous, but also chilies and jalapenos have anti-viral properties. Get blood flow to your head. Although most of us are not yogis and can not hold 10-minute headstands, you may still get some of the same health benefits by remaining in poses which will make the lymph and blood drain toward the mind.

Try lying down on a bed with your head hanging off the edge. Relax there for 3-5 minutes. You may realize that your sinus pressure increases while in the pose, but once you (slowly) come out of the pose, you should notice that your energy is greater and you could breathe more easily. This sort of pose will also stimulate your immune system. Eat a green apple. Well, it can be too late to keep the doctor away, but eating a green apple prior to going in the studio will wash the mucous out and leave your mouth feeling fresh.

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Dab, do not blow! If you are not generating greenish mucous, you might just be aggravating your nasal passages much more by blowing your nose. Eliminate the sniffles by dabbing or wiping your nose regularly. For the persistent cough, have a teaspoon of olive oil. A far cry from the grandma’s Castor oil, olive oil will sooth your throat for hours after you take it with no side effects of many medications. Do light exercise. Exercise boosts your immune system and can be particularly useful at the start of a virus.

Don’t over-do it, however, get your blood, body and muscles going to help fend off disease. Exercise is extremely beneficial in reducing stress, which also reduces your immune system. Regardless of what you do, exercising prior to going into the recording studio will make you seem like you have more energy than you really have! Back away from the coffee, and pick up the herbal tea. When we’re feeling lethargic and low on energy due to illness, anxiety, or lack of sleep, a lot people attempt to rely on caffeine to get us through the day. This is usually a bad idea.

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Caffeine lowers the immune system’s defense mechanisms and will block you from receiving the restful sleep you need when you finally crawl into bed at night. Try a hot herbal tea and see if you’re just craving something hot to drink. For a sore throat, have a teaspoon of honey with a few flakes of red pepper. Avoid drinking water directly afterwards, as you would like it to coat your throat for some time. The pepper flakes bring blood to the surface of the skin while the honey works its antibacterial magical.

Whatever you do, avoid the urge to clear your throat! Hard coughs, while they feel great at the short-run, will destroy your voice at the long-run, decreasing your endurance in the studio. Instead, gentle,”fake”-sounding coughs can allow you to get through your session. Make time for a brief nap. Short, 30-minute naps, or “power naps” are a fantastic solution to boost energy, rest your vocal chords, and clear your mind before you record. Know when to call it quits!


Respect your body and know when you will need a time-out. Plus, it’s far better to turn down a job offer now with somebody who might need to work with you tomorrow than to give them a low-quality merchandise now and risk losing a prospective customer. Experiment a little. If a chilly changes the pitch or range of your voice so much that it no longer seems like you, take advantage of this chance to have fun with unique characters, feelings or moods. Beyond amusing yourself, you might actually land work with your “sick voice”.