Closely associated with onion, shallot, and leek, garlic has been known for at least 5,000 years for its distinctive smell, flavor and healing powers. Throughout all recorded history, people have been using garlic for a number of purposes; either medical or culinary. It come as a surprise to some, but besides its legendary powers to “frighten vampires away,” garlic has been considered for centuries a natural health improver that originates from a simple perennial plant.

Let’s see…

Because of the many components, garlic has been found to reduce blood pressure and therefore reduce the episodes of strokes, stop hypertension, enhance the human immune system, prevent heart disease -by improving the elastic properties of aorta in the elderly-increase the body’s strength and energy levels, lower cholesterol levels and combat cancer-due to the high diallyl sulphide concentration. In a nutshell, garlic is among the finest natural healing herbs and anti inflammatory ingredients now available.

From the earliest days, garlic was used as a post for diet. In actuality, garlic was consumed by early civilizations on a daily basis. This herb’s unique capacities come from its elements, such as calcium, selenium, zinc and potassium. Its essential oils-whose primary active agent is allicin-have made people want to praise this wellness fighter’s strong antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral properties. From curing an upset stomach to battling infections, garlic was integrated in modern medicine practices and has experienced tremendous success because of its positive outcomes.

Keep in mind

Since garlic is readily integrated into a meal, an individual can chop or crush garlic bulbs and individual cloves after paring them even add the entire garlic head to get a few extremely tasteful culinary inventions, this aromatic ingredient brings an excess tone of healthy nourishment to everyday cuisine. After garlic is consumed, it is absorbed into the blood and then diffused through different organs. Patients suffering from intestinal upsets have added 7-9 cloves of garlic in their daily diet plan in order to maintain the acids released within the stomach from growing over a particular amount.

Fresh garlic is also directly applied in the bare skin’s surface, if a person suffers from athlete’s foot, skin infections and acne. Moreover, fresh garlic blended with honey can be a really effective home remedy for colds, throat irritations or other regions of the human respiratory system which may be affected during a period of influenza.

Finally, those hesitating in adding garlic to their daily diets because of the characteristic odor that causes bad breath, there’s always the solution of chewing gum a solid chewing gum, fresh parsley leafs, peppermint or eucalyptus, right after having a meal which includes any amount of garlic. Always remember to select from firm garlic bulbs, which can be tight, unbroken and light or white in color.


It’s crucial to maintain garlic stored in dry, cool areas and when properly stored, garlic may last for many weeks. Concluding, if you aren’t a garlic pleasure, avoid purchasing braids of garlic to hang in your kitchen cabinets, as its bulbs will be spoiled before you’ve got an opportunity to use them. Keep in mind that garlic is a wonderful germs fighter, antibiotic and potent health agent, which makes it a great natural addition to your meals. Don’t let its odor keep it out from your refrigerator or cool cupboard. Eat garlic and maintain health issues, like migraines, influenza and blocked arteries, always far away.