Nothing makes you feel worse than a terrible night sleep, waking up feeling like you have had a’night on the tiles’ when you have been tucked up in bed, impacts your entire performance the following day. If this happens regularly then it can seriously impact your ability to handle your glucose levels. Let’s take a look at the effect of sleep deprivation, potential underlying variables and an action plan for a better snooze. Stages 3 and 4 will be the deep stages of sleep during which the body repairs and builds cells.

Delta Waves

These stages have the largest and slowest brain waves ‘delta waves’. Stage 4 is more extreme and each phase can last from 5-15 minutes, during a sleep cycle individuals progress through all phases then the cycle begins again. Additionally, there are two different sleep states: NREM and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, sometimes called dreaming sleep. In REM sleep we’re almost paralysed, with big muscles unable to move – just the heart, diaphragm, eye muscles and the smooth muscles (like the muscles of the intestines and blood vessels) have the ability to move.

Why we sleep isn’t yet completely understood, but is considered to include memory consolidation, immune function and maintenance of mood. It’s estimated the at some stage in our lives 40 percent of individuals may be impacted by a primary sleep disorder like sleep apnoea, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, snoring, feeling unrested through the day and not getting enough sleep. The major sleep-related issues are difficulty concentrating and remembering things.

Sleep Disorders

Evidence is emerging the disturbances in sleep and sleep disorders play a role in the evolution of chronic conditions, however the connection is often unclear. Numerous medical conditions can affect sleep like diabetes or other inflammatory conditions like arthritis which may cause poor sleep quality and cause symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue. It’s been suggested that poor sleep may cause the development of cardiovascular disease, where an underlying inflammatory component was proposed.

Sleep deficit in type 2 diabetes contributes to a heightened sympathetic nervous system output which then raises cortisol, causing increased insulin resistance resulting in weight management issues and/or higher morning sugar readings for many people. This is a result of cortisol’s action on the liver to release sugar. Insomnia can be described as difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night and having trouble falling asleep, waking up too early in the morning or feeling tired upon waking. Primary – a sleep problem that’s not associated with any other health condition. Secondary – a sleeping problem brought on by something else, such as asthma, depression, arthritis, heartburn, pain, medication or alcohol. Acute insomnia can last from one night to a couple of weeks, where chronic insomnia affects an individual for a lengthy time period, normally at least 3 nights per week for a month.

Take Note

  • Altered levels of various hormones and hormones, affect blood glucose control.
  • A disturbance associated with adrenal problems from stress or injury (cortisol). Cortisol works with insulin in regulating glucose levels.
  • Melatonin imbalance that’s closely connected to the light/dark cycle, the night time increase and the opening of the sleep gate at night. It’s disturbance affects hormones associated with glucose regulation.
  • The hormone Ghrelin (along with Leptin) modulates your energy balance and regulates your appetite and body weight. Studies reveal that a dysregulation in energy balance and reduced ghrelin levels in insomnia patients, which can be intricately linked with sugar metabolism.
  • The GABA neurotransmitter plays a complicated role in the feedback mechanism into the brain in controlling cortisol levels.
  • Micronutrient imbalances affect the body’s metabolism and regulation of glucose systems.
  • Magnesium – deficiencies are common and magnesium is known to cause neurological difficulties associated with sleep including depression. Additionally it is essential for regulating cortisol as well as the intricate feedback system to the mind.
  • Overuse of stimulants. Sleep hygiene – routine routines, daytime and exercise. Bedroom temperature not too sexy. Avoid stimulants an hour before bed – tea, sugar, coffee, TV, computers, laptops and telephones.

Try this!

Avoid poor food choices including poor nutrient reserves, food additives and food reactions/sensitivities that add stress to the body. Ensure adequate sodium intake, particularly if adrenal glands are exhausted through physical (food, infection and injury ) or psychological stress. Exhaustion contributes to a decrease in the hormone aldosterone, which stimulates sodium excretion via frequent urination. Consider supplementing with Magnesium, Vitamin C and Vitamin B5 are key nutrients involved in the biochemical processes related to cortisol production and regulation.

Deficiency in vitamin B6 (niacin) can cause sleep problems. Niacin helps to relieve anxiety associated with sleep difficulties, take with the complete complex of B vitamins. Consider supplementing with 5-HTP (5 Hydroxytryptophan) that is a precursor to serotonin or tryptophan rich foods such as yogurt, cheese, red meat, eggs, fish, poultry (especially turkey), sesame seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, spirulina and peanuts.

5-HTP works from the brain and central nervous system by increasing the production of the chemical dopamine. Serotonin can affect sleep, appetite, temperature, sexual behavior, and pain sensation. Since 5-HTP increases the synthesis of serotonin, it’s used for many conditions where serotonin is thought to play a significant role including depression, obesity and insomnia.

Herbal Extract

Consider herbal extracts like Valerian, among the most researched herbal supplements that promotes relaxation and reduces stress. Other popular plant extracts include: Californian poppy, hops, lemon balm, lime blossoms, vervain and wild lettuce, use as a dry herb mix infused in hot water then strained. St John’s Wort tablets might also be helpful to some individuals. Please consult with your pharmacist and physician for interactions with certain medications and medical conditions. Consult with your physician before taking any sort of nutritional supplement, to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for you.